Chapter 10 ~ Office Duties

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Someone knocking on the door woke me up

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Someone knocking on the door woke me up. I stirred, my hands subconsciously pushing Remi's heavy arms off my body.

The place was already hot, but Remi insisted on making me hotter with his body heat.

Someone knocked again, and I groggily sat up in bed and stretched my arms above my head. Remi stirred, one eye popping open to glance at me sleepily.

He murmured, "Where are you going?"

I yawned and pointed at the door to the room. "Someone's knocking."

He curled his arm around my waist and tugged me back down to nestle in his arms. I groaned and squirmed, pinching him to let go of me. This much skin-to-skin contact was a bit too much for me. I had never been this cuddly with anyone before, and I didn't like it when people touched me for too long.

He chuckled when I wiggled myself out of his arms and opened his eyes to watch me climb off the bed.

The knocking continued.

I glanced at the door in confusion. Why was he so persistent? I could sense that it was a male standing behind the door.

Remi saw my expression and explained. "That's Dereck, the cardinal secretary I told you about. He's probably here to drag me off to my misery. If you ignore him long enough, he'll go away."

The knocking stopped, and a brief pause occurred before Dereck's voice filtered through the door. "The only reason I'm not bursting through this door right now is because of our Luna's presence. Please don't make me knock on this door all day, your highness. I am happy you've found your mate, but there is work to be done. My stubbornness knows no bounds."

Remi grumbled, "so does your mouth. I need a day off. I have plans for a date with Celeste today."

A date? I looked at him curiously.

"Which is why I came so early. Work first, date later. There's plenty of time to do both." Dereck's voice was firm, leaving no room for argument.

However, Remi continued to persist. "I will need time to set everything up."

Dereck snorted. "You? Commanding others to set things up takes all but five seconds."

"Are you saying that's all the effort your queen is worth?" His voice hinted at his disapproval, but from inside the room, I was the only one who could see the sluggish smile on his face as he laid back with his arms behind his head. Pretty relaxed for a king who had duties to attend to.

Dereck sighed. "Luna, this is definitely not how I'd imagined our introductions to go, but can you please remind this troll of his responsibilities as the King? I slave away every morning trying to get him out of this room. Please, help this underpaid employee."

I opened my mouth but closed it, at a loss for words. Hearing the exasperation in his voice, I knew he was serious. Was this really a daily occurrence for him? Did Remi often shirk his responsibilities as king?

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