Chapter 5

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Weeks went by and with every one that passed, the desire to tell Cal about Felix faded. Too much time was passing by and now it had become basically impossible to tell him without the consequence of an argument. If he wasn't mad about the kiss itself then he would certainly be furious that I'd kept it from him for so long.

The weather was warming up now we were somewhat through March and I had been doing everything in my power to avoid Felix. I didn't visit Cal's shop at all, making excuses that I had work to do or that I was seeing my friends. If I knew Felix was coming around to our apartment with Cal, I'd quickly make a break for it and if they turned up unexpectedly, I hopped into the shower or went right to bed. I even missed out on all of the evenings they had drinks together if he was there. The guilt was too much to be around him playing pretend when Cal was clueless and I hated myself for letting it get this far.

'Deep in thought there...' Penny murmured, studying me carefully before she slowly placed a square of chocolate into her mouth.

I shook off the thoughts of Cal and Felix who were out having drinks together with the rest of the guys from the shop. They had invited me. "Sarah will be there." Cal had tried to get me to join thinking Sarah was the perfect friend for me to have there but Sarah being there only doubled my guilt knowing she had no clue either.

'Just daydreaming,' I lied, adjusting my position on my bed and returning my attention to Pretty Little Liars on my TV as I grabbed my cherry cola and sipped at it.

'You're thinking about Felix,' Penny sighed.

I twisted my face at her. 'Ew, don't say it like that.'

'I mean the kiss!' she replied. 'And the fact Cal still doesn't know.'

'I'm a fucking idiot, Pen,' I groaned. 'An idiot and a complete pussy.'

'Yeah, you are a pussy,' she giggled. 'What are you so afraid of?'

'Besides how long I've held onto the lie and pretended I didn't know Felix before Cal introduced us?' I murmured. 'I'm scared he'll leave. I'm scared we'll go back to how things were last year only that it will be worse this time.'

'So you're going to hold onto this for the rest of your life?' she questioned. 'Trying to make him understand and forgive you and move past the lie will be so much easier than living with it forever.'

'And if he breaks up with me and I lose him?' I asked her. 'Don't you think that will be the hardest of all?'

'It's the risk you take,' she sighed. 'But he deserves the truth, Bethan. He would tell you if it were the other way around.'

I shook my head. 'No, Pen, he-.'

'Yeah, I know, he would never kiss anyone else in the first place,' she reiterated.

I heard the sound of the apartment door open and my heart rate spiked as I anticipated hearing Felix's voice.

'Bethan?' Cal called out.

'I'm gonna' head out,' Penny said, getting to her feet and grabbing her bag.

I opened my mouth to beg her to stay a little longer but Cal entered the room before I could.

'Oh, sorry for just walking in, I didn't know you were here, Penny,' he said, halting in the doorway. He looked so beautiful with his hair pulled back into a top-knot, his baggy shirt hanging on his defined frame and his jeans a little tighter than what he would usually wear, revealing his evident package.

'That's okay, I was just leaving,' she told him.

He nodded and smiled. 'Want me to drive you home?'

'Have you been drinking?' I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

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