Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

I held the plate of sandwiches flat on my palm, and the cup of orange juice balanced between my forearm and stomach. I could be a waitress if I wanted. My other hand was occupied intertwined with Niall's soft one, his other hand occupied holding his second sandwich as he ate it.

When we got to the living room, I was greeted by the other four boys I hadn't seen since this morning.

"Hey guys." I said handing Addison the plate for her to take and pass around as she sat in Harry's lap, then put her cup of orange juice on the coffee table.

Once the plate got around to everyone, and it was placed on the table with crumbs, everyone thanked me.

"It's nothing." I smiled, feeling appreciated.

I was sat next to Niall on the longer couch. He was finishing his sandwich by the time everyone had started.

"What happened to your foot?" Niall asked out of nowhere.

Did I not say that they would ask?

Everyone looked at Addison expectant for an answer. She shot her gaze to me, and everyone else mimicked her actions.

"Tell us." Zayn said, with a mouthful of sandwich.

Addison took a sip of her orange juice noisily.

Liam shifted in his seat on the floor.

Louis fidgeted as if he wasn't paying attention.

Harry big green eyes were demanding from an answer.

Niall breathed slowly, and heavily through his nose, sleepily.

"Erm, she stepped on a rock." Was all I needed to say, to have questions shot at me.





I was ready to throw Addison under the bus. Ready to let her save for herself. Because I couldn't get her out of this.

Though I'm not sure it mattered. They weren't her parents?

Too bad.

"How'd you get it stitched?" Zayn asked another question.

She removed the cup from her mouth, then licked her lips. "The doctor."

"Do you have like crutches?" Liam asked.

He would be the one with rigid questions.

"Why isn't it wrapped?"

She was caught in her lie, and I was leaving her to fend for herself.

"Well, it was nice seeing you, but I remembered I had something to do."

"At 8pm?"

Why not?

Niall grabbed my hand, tangling our fingers, making sure I didn't leave. Great.

They all ignored me once they saw I was tied down with him.

She took another sip of her orange juice.

The tension was bad... Just confusion in the air.

As for Addison and I, we were trying to keep our mouths shut.

"So how about Ireland? Yay!" She through her arms in the air, trying to change the subject.

It worked for Louis. He looked at Niall.

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