First Meet

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A/n - Anything without '...' in italics is the flashback.

"Btw, did he know that you were a mafia?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok nodded.

"Mafia, the underworld was how I met him"

"Tell me how!!" Yoongi asked with excitement in his eyes and voice.

"He was a weapon dealer in a gang which was famous for their weapons, he was the head of dealing. I got some problems in the shipment I got so I went to went"

"WHERE IS THE FUCKING DEALER??!!" Hoseok shouted as he entered the weapon house.

Hoseok saw a person run into a cabin so he assumed that he went to the main dealer over here. Hoseok waited for a few seconds and a man in a mask, in all black clothes stood in front of his hands crossed and eyes stern, angry.

"I am the dealer, what the fuck do you want?" His voice was harsh but Hoseok didn't care about that, all he cared about was his weapon.

"The weapons you sent to me are all defective!! My men nearly died!!" Hoseok was furious at the thought of his men heavily injured and in the hospital.

The man frowned "Which gang?"

"I am Jung Hoseok, you should know the gang"

The man thought for a while then nodded "Yes, now I remember. There should be no defect since I personally checked them before sending and were personally delivered by me!! It must be your men who tampered it"

Hoseok walked closer to him, they were close to each other, so close that they could feel each other's breath on their faces "What if it is your men?!"

"Then I will shoot them in their head in front of you"


"But what if it is your men?" the man asked, getting closer to Hoseok.

"I will bring them here, shoot them in the head and apologise to you" the man smirked under the mask.

"Get ready to apologise and lose your man"

"Let's see who loses their man" Hoseok left from there.

Two weeks later,

Hoseok came again but this time he didn't come alone, he came with a few of his men. The man was working but without his mask, so Hoseok didn't know who it was but he remembered his eyes.

Hearing footsteps, the man turned his head and smirked, walking towards Hoseok. Hoseok frowned but then he looked at the eyes, he was the man. Hoseok removed his gun and shot one of his men dead as he backed away a little and did a 90-degree bow to the man.

"It was my man, I am sorry. I apologise for blaming you without doing any research" Hoseok stood straight.

"Apology accepted. I thought you won't come"

"I am a man of my word, I do what I tell" the man nodded "Can I get your name?"


"That was how we met," Hoseok smiled at that memory.

"Hyung was always feisty," Yoongi chuckled. They looked at more pictures and other things in the boxes.

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