end for the start

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"Hahahah hahah....whatt you wanna go back in the past just to solve their quarrel" tankhun laughed hearing Venice talk.

"I need to uncle please just help me na na..." Venice said cutely bcz that's always worked for him. " You wanna die ? Huhh" tankhun said seeing his cute face, Obviously he doesn't show but he really care for Venice.

" Your father was a jerk back then , if you ever confront him you will die instantly" tankhun explained remembering old vegas as he was the walking death note.

" But he's my father i can handle him , atleast i can try " he murmured last line knowing vegas actually was devil but still he hoped to confront him bcz he really wanna know something that he dont know.

"Venice tell me one strong reason for that, it's not your responsibility to solve their quarrel, you don't even know how worst was that past , not only for them but for all of us and we don't wanna loose you " tankhun said seriously this time referring the dirty mafia world.

"And i don't wanna loose my parents , the only reason is me, i said that , that why are they living together if they don't get along and there is something i don't know"  Venice explained as his eyes become glossy

" I just want their story lovable despite the mafia conflicts they had , i really wanna know my parents by heart" he said as tankhun can see the desperation in his eyes , a child who wants his parents back together.

Tankhun sighed " you know na it's not that easy as you think" he said knowing the dangerous that could get.

" I know but you should know that i m vegas and Pete son , danger is me they should be afraid of me" Venice said as he winked

After hearing and listening Venice talks tankhun finally convinced.
" Fine i ll help you with the time machine but on one condition" he explained
"Whatever you want i ll give you anything , just help me with this " Venice said excitedly that he can finally get it together.

" I m coming with you " tankhun exclaimed , Venice smile dropped down to think about his uncle's condition, he can't risk his life for his parents or more like ruined everything by his silliness.

"But i thought you don't like my parents relationship , you always hate dad vegas " Venice conflict
" I still do hate him , he take my pete away basturd! " Tankhun said faking his crying. " That's why i wanna warn my pete to not fall with that jerk" tankhun  said with his scrunched nose. " Also i wanna meet my babies Elisabeth and Sebastian " as he remember the time Porsche killed his babies.

Venice rolled his eyes seeing his uncle's silly thoughts " just admit you care for me" he said with smirk on his face.

" Shut up! , that doesn't match my image" tankhun said as he was he put sunglasses.

"how i m gonna take care of these things" Venice thought to himself as he was already stressed with his parents and now his uncle is like extra punch without any insurance.

"Alright you you can come with me but please be together and don't messed up things more " Venice request as he was afraid about his uncle's guidence. " Don't worry i won't , infact i ll be your tour guide there " tankhun said flashing his sunglasses. "

" Wow you really buy this stuff and called a time machine, are you kidding me " Venice said after tankhun handed him a watch.

" Don't disrespect my money i buy this from NASA" tankhun flexes his status.
" Yeah? You buy it or more like threatened them or you will steal their space ship" Venice said with straight face as he know his uncle's skill to get anything , he could get the whole planet if he wants to.

" Oiii you really have Pete's cute face but with that basturd' s mouth, no wonder you are vegas brother" tankhun exclaimed as he explained how to set the timing in watch to go in the past and went for getting things to go for time travel trip.

" Oo God you really coming with this outfit" Venice said as he saw tankhun's giraffe print outfit. " Offcourse i wanna show my old self that i m more gorgeous then him" he said as Venice rolled his eyes on him , he can't tolerate him.
" Ohh wait i forgot my sunglasses" he said as he went to get them.

On the other side Venice took that chance and entered the time and date of past and said " sorry tankhun uncle but i have to do this alone " as watch showed timer for 10 second he heard a voice...

" Venice!!! " He looked around to meet the eyes with rain , he was standing at the gate with worried face as Venice with glossy eyes said to him...." I will be back rain , i will be" as his watch showed red light and tankhun come back to the scene but before he could do something Venice feel like electric shock and room filled with the bright light.

" wait!! atleast know how to come back!!"
Tankhun screamed but couldn't see anything because of the bright light.

As rain opened his eyes Venice was already gone , " Venice i will wait for you" he whispered to himself and a tear dropped from his eye.
......the past .......

Venice opened his eyes and saw a huge mantion in front of him. " Finally !! I m here , dad papa i m coming " he said as he went to entered the mantion but  "don't move!! " he felt a gun behind his back "who are you and what are you doing here" one of the bodyguard asked him.

"Shittt stupid Venice i didn't think about this , no body knows me here " he thought to himself as he realised that he's just a stranger for them as he didn't even born yet.

" Umm...i just wanna meet tankhun, i m his friend " he lied because he can't say who is he as his last brain cells said tankhun's name out of nowhere.

" Master Tankhun friend ? He doesn't have any , tell me the truth or i will shoot you" that bodyguard warned him again but how could he convince him that he's not a Stranger , if it was his timezone then Vegas will definitely shoot this bodyguard at this moment.

" I m telling the truth dude , see i just wanna give this back to him " he told him as he showed sunglasses of tankhun which he did sneakingly put in his pocket when his uncle was busy to find that.

( Venice did that on purpose just to distract tankhun so he could come alone in the past ...this occurs in the future)

" Did you stole his sunglasses, are you trying to kidnapped master Tankhun , which gang are you from" bodyguard said without any break and Venice lost his patience.

"Are you out of your mind" Venice exclaimed as he looked straight to bodyguard with gun on his temple, he wasn't afraid of that bcz obviously he's vegas's and Pete's son.

"If you didn't answer i will shoot you for sure " bodyguard Said as he was little afraid of Venice by seeing his strong aura. " Let me just meet tankhun or you will regret it " Venice said straight forward but bodyguard didn't back off instead he put the finger on trigger ready to shoot him.

But before he could pull the trigger someone screamed.....

" Stop!! "

.........to be continue........

Hope you guys doing great , this chapter was all about tankhun and Venice friendship that despite their conflicted nature they Still care about eachother, which you will see in next chapters.....

See you soon...💜💜

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