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Chapter Fifty-Two: Trouble At The Party

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Chapter Fifty-Two: Trouble At The Party

(Trick Or Treat, Freak, Pt. 4)

*trigger warning: acephobic language, attempt at sexual assault*


The party was... surprisingly fun.

Rowan spent the first hour or so talking to Chrissy, Robin and Valerie, taking sips from her cup as they all took turns in talking to each other and spearheading conversations and just getting to know each other—Robin even lost all of her awkwardness at some point during a conversation about movies, genuinely smiling as Valerie seemed to make the transition into being the awkward and shy one, drinking more as if to avoid making herself look idiotic in front of Robin. Rowan could only smirk and hoped that they both could admit their feelings to each other while Chrissy smiled, slightly oblivious to the romantic connection happening.

At some point, some girls on the squad had to talk to Chrissy, though the strawberry blonde promised she'd come back to talk to them all as she left. At that point, Valerie seemed to latch onto Rowan, staying close to her as she talked to Robin, who'd asked her if they might rent out some movies and watch them together. Valerie had agreed, blushing furiously as she did, and Rowan, seeing the chance to be a good wingwoman, made up a half-lie about finding Eddie, leaving the girls behind and descending into the chaos of the party to find him.

As she did, she saw Steve and Nancy, smiling and dancing like the regular teenagers they were, Nancy holding a plastic cup sloshing with the alcohol-punch concoction. Rowan hoped Steve was watching Nancy and made sure she wasn't drinking too much—or, if she was, that he wasn't and he could get her home safely.

They seemed preoccupied, so Rowan decided she wouldn't start a conversation with them and returned to the search of finding Eddie—which, considering his reputation, was surprisingly hard.

She finally found him outside, where after briefly enjoying the moment of cool air after the stuffiness of inside, she saw Eddie giving some juniors a couple of joints, murmuring in a low voice about what to do. The juniors nodded, but were obviously ignoring Eddie, passing him a couple of twenty-dollar bills before walking away with their joints, grins on their faces.

Rowan watched them go before she walked up to Eddie as he pocketed the money, asking, "Hey, Munson. How's business?"

Eddie jolted, staring at Rowan. "Jesus, Graveswood! You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry," Rowan said with a completely not-sorry grin. "Like I said, how's business? And I thought that bag was for Tina. Couldn't find her?"

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