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Chapter Fifty: Happy Halloween

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Chapter Fifty: Happy Halloween

(Trick Or Treat, Freak, Pt. 2)


"Kids, are you ready?!"

"Almost, Aunt Aco!" Rowan and Alistair yelled back in unison, before Rowan muttered, "Hold still, Al."

Alistair complied, staying perfectly still as Rowan touched up her brother's makeup. On his shoulder, Hugin rustled his wings, feathers ruffling over the exposed rib cage, talons digging into Alistair's shoulder, but Alistair didn't mind and Rowan tried to ignore Hugin and tried to keep the makeup from sticking to the fake blood on both her dress and arms as she touched up the makeup.

"And done!" Rowan declared as she finished smudging Alistair's eyeshadow and liner, smiling. "You look dead again, squirt!"

Alistair looked back into the mirror and grinned.

"Thanks Rowan!"

"Don't mention it."


"COMING!" the siblings yelled back, Alistair hopping off the seat and running out as Hugin clung to him, cawing and flapping his wings. Rowan rolled her eyes as she looked back into the mirror, checking to see that no makeup got on the fake blood spotting her arms and dripping down her face, or on the sash and dress drenched in it.

Satisfied at seeing no makeup on her costume and adjusting her bloody tiara, Rowan got out of the bathroom, the clunk of her Docs thumping on the floor of the trailer. Logically, her boots wouldn't go with it, but she decided to just screw it. Besides, she was more comfortable wearing them anyway.

Walking into the main space, she saw her brother standing next to her aunt, Hugin looking very annoyed as Aunt Aco put a piece of tape on Hugin's feet, taping him to Alistair's shoulder as her brother held a sack, looking at Hugin in a way that told Rowan he was communicating telepathically with the undead bird.

When her aunt put another piece of tape on, Hugin pecked Aunt Aco's fingers, who yelped and quickly glared at the bird.

"Hey, bird, I don't want to do this either, but if you want to stick with Al all night, you gotta play the part of puppet," Aunt Aco said as she kept glaring at Hugin, wagging a finger in front of his beak. Hugin glared back, but gave a disgruntled caw and ruffled his wings, allowing Aunt Aco to finish taping him to Alistair's shoulder just as an obnoxious honk came.

"That's Eddie," Rowan said. Taking her brother's free hand, Rowan opened the door as their aunt shouted, "Bye kids! Have fun! Al, don't get too sick from candy and Rowan, don't get too drunk! Remember what I taught you both!"

"We will!" the siblings promised as they walked down the stairs, Hugin staying obediently still. "Bye Aunt Aco!"

"Love you!"

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