"I was so scared, I thought you were gone!"

I patted her back, not knowing how to react to her multiple emotions.

"It's okay, I am alive. See my heart is beating and okay."

I put her hand on my heart to show her, that thing was still going. She paused but smiled back. She looked between my brother and I, looking like she needed to discuss something important. It made me uneasy. 

"About that sweetie, you're gonna need surgery. I know this isn't what you wanted but you need it. I tried to talk the doctors and this is the only good option we have."

I frowned at the news, I knew my condition would get the best of me one day but I didn't think it would be today. I had so much I still wanted to do.

I stared out in space, processing her words and my thoughts. I looked back to her before asking:

"What? Like a small surgery or-"

I looked between them, trying to figure out what was happening. They both had this look of guilt on their face.

"Heart transplant."

My brother stated. I felt my stomach drop.

"What? Why would I need that?"

I assumed I wouldn't need anything like this until I was way older.

"You're heart is slowly giving out. You need this or else your heart won't last for long. We already found a donor for you!"

She smiled, grabbing my hands.

"That fast? That's surprising."

I shook my head in disbelief at how quick the doctors could find a heart for me. 

Who did my mom pay?

"Well I might've put you on a list a while back but that's besides the point! Since you're awake we can do it right away."

I know my mom was just trying to brush the whole 'I did this behind your back' so I let her. I knew why she was like this.

"But, mom. Isn't the surgery dangerous? My heart is being taken out!"

I started to get teary-eyed at the thought.

"I know it's scary, but you can get through this. You're my daughter, you're built to be strong. Plus, after all this, you won't be dealing with those pains anymore."

I nodded to her words, still worried.

"Dad wasn't lucky enough to find a donor quick enough. I know if he was here, he would want you to take the chance."

We never really talked about the day dad died, so hearing my mom say that was surprising.

I sat there for a minute or two trying to take everything in. I just woke up from embarrassing myself and now my heart is being taken out. A lot can happen in 10 mins.

But I knew my mom was right, dad would want me to do this. Plus worst case scenario I die but either way that would already happen......so not many options here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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