Chapter 45: All Better

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"It's been a rollar coaster, I can drop all the medicine now." A short mumble that was too low for me tot make out came from Annabeth but I continued. "I'm heading to Gotham now, I've got an apartment there and am making pretty good money and...I've got a boyfriend, and his family are all so sweet." Annabeth paused on the other end.

"What's he like?" she asked more quietly though I could hear the small smile in her voice.

"He's great, he's a bit quiet but he's really nice, and his kids are adorable, and menacing, but mainly great. There's a lot more but I think I'd rather you meet him yourself." I heard a short 'mmm' from the end.

"That's great Percy, to think you'd start a whole nother life is well.. actually that kinda makes sense, but I'm happy for you." She let out a short sigh. "I gotta go Percy, I really wish I could talk longer but I don't think the others want to be held up any longer, if you could, I'm going to send you Hazel's and Jason's numbers, do you mind calling them? Oh and we'll have people over in Gotham within the week, transportation might be slow but we'll have people ready to get you."

"Wait, get me? I'll be able to come back right?" I asked panicky, holding the phone slightly tighter.

"Of course Percy, we aren't about to kidnap you, but we need to figure out what happened, then you're free to go back. I hope you won't leave us forever but you'll be free to do whatever you want."

"I wouldn't leave you all, I just think I like the life I have here. But uh, I don't want to hold you any longer, I'll call Hazel and Jason, stay safe"

Annabeth let out a short laugh. "Of course seaweed brain, unlike you I don't think I'm going to be kidnapped on the spot. I'll call you tomorrow, in fact be prepared because I'll be calling everyday to make sure no unfortunate event has wreaked havoc once more."

"I'll pick up every time, I'll see you Annabeth."

"Bye Percy." There was an air of sovern silence before she hung up, leaving me with only the sound of the engine once more.

I took a deep breath, feeling an ease that I hadn't felt in a while. As I lowered my phone two numbers appeared from Annabeth's contact, and I quickly tapped on the first number, putting the phone back up to my ear.

It rang a few times before it answered.

"Percy!? Percy, hello!!?" A small female voice spoke strongly, sounding panicked.

"Hello, this is Hazel right?" The other voice paused, and I could hear a small sob ring out.

"Yes! Yes it's me Hazel! Percy are you okay?! Where are you right now?" she asked in rapid succession, and I could hear someone else moving around behind her.

"I'm okay Hazel, I'm okay, I'm in Gotham, or well, I'm heading there now. I'm okay Hazel, I don't want you blaming yourself for what happened okay?" Small sobs rang out from the other end.

"I was so worried!! *hic" Her voice shook and wavered, sounding relieved and yet overwhelmed. "You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice." She broke out into another round of sobs and I could hear the phone get passed to someone else.

"Percy? Hey, it's Frank, Annabeth let us all know what happened but I'm glad to hear you're okay, you know you gave us a real scare there." I let out a short chuckle.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I think Annabeths sending someone to come get me soon so I'll see you all soon."

"Alright, but you better be expecting lots of hugs, Estelle's been especially angry since you've disappeared so I wouldn't put a punch past her."

"Estelle?" I asked, the name sounding unfamiliar and yet the mere thought brought fuzzy feelings to my heart.

"Estelle's your sister Percy, she tried to go find you herself but Annabeth eventually convinced her to wait a bit, she'll be relieved for sure." I felt my lips quiver as I nodded, only realizing a little late that he couldn't see me.

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