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Namjoon flopped onto his bed, pulling a pillow over his face, letting out a groan, after all this time why are they here? And what was that! Joon almost passed out when they teased him earlier, in the past the two would drop comments or friendly touches here or there but he was just their friend's younger brother, a no body and they were just being nice to him then??

Jin always kept his brother by his side and never complained. While some older brothers hated their younger siblings tagging along, never with Jin. He never let Namjoon feel alone or left behind. Jin was his brother yes but a parent also, after losing their parents in an accident when Joon was in early high school, so if you saw Jin you saw Joon.

The two other males had met Jin through outside activities and clubs before their parents' death.  So, when Joon met his brother's friends they welcomed him into their circle. Hoseok was a bit older than him, but the same birth year and Yoongi was a year older. As he hung out more with them, they found that they had a lot of the same interests, music, rap and so on. All four could talk for hours or just be in each other's company without a worry. In return Hobi and Yoongi often sat back and listened to him talk art, school, life, nature and supported him and never made him feel different due to him being so smart. Over time he realized he had more than a friendship feeling, he had a full-grown teenage crush... on both. He kept those thoughts to himself and never told his brother. So, when Hoseok and Yoongi started to date, he was crushed but supported them. So, when he was accepted into a university in a different area and needed to move to the dorms, he thought his crush faze would go away. It helped yes, then he met Danial.


"Done, you can put your shirt back on beautiful" Hobi says handing over his shirt winking" or not" Joon sitting on the couch getting the last-minute touch up wound care check?

"Ya right, Next top Vogue model here I come... not" Joon snorts as he rolls his eyes, a sad look washes over his face "there won't be anyone seeking me out that's for sure"

" Bug, you are beautiful" Hobi says as he comes closer to him, Hobi leans in and lets his lips fall onto Joon's bruised cheek. He smiles and hugs him slightly and heads over to Jin who has a sad expression on his face. Joon is caught off guard and his jaw he swears is in his lap, his mouth open. Yoongi approaches Joon and whispering not so quietly in his ear "Careful, I'll take that as an invite if you leave it open like that" chuckling he kisses Joon on his forehead. " Bye Hyung, see you guys later" leaving him as a bright red mess and more laughing from the peanut gallery who is standing close by and heard everything.

Joon groans as he tries to smother himself with his pillow...

The next few weeks went by pretty normal; Jin took Namjoon shopping. Since he left pretty much his whole life back at the apartment, well what was left since over time when he was with Daniel, his stuff was sold to feed his bf addictions or was thrown out or destroyed. So, when Namjoon took off, he really had nothing. His life in a duffle bag and the clothes on him. Namjoon was never left alone when he left the house, if Jin could not be with him than Hoseok and Yoongi were with him or the trio, not like he was complaining to much. Daniel would not leave him be, calls and texts, Daniel even got some of his friends to text him to say how worried Daniel was and why Joon was being a little bitch were just a few types of messages that came to his phone. Joon was just happy he did not know where Jin lived since, Jin moved during "the supervision" part of his relationship.

Things just fell back into place, the four of them together like old times.

During this time, they would be at the house playing games. Joon was happy and they knew it, one of those nights Hobi excused himself to grab more food and drinks. He watched from the kitchen as his bf and friends laughed and having fun and oh the dimple view, he takes in. Joon's phone vibrated, and the screen lit up, he picked it up and opened the messages. His eyes narrow and his lips pressed together,

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