a little info/ New plot idea

Start from the beginning

Valt retorts how she can get burned if she is the fire. Lui still thinks she's all talk, and Valt just tells him, "Then he better be watching because actions are stronger than words. They separate ways. Lui watches the tournament that is in his honor.

At first, he is bored, but later on, he sees Valt winning every single battle she is part of. Lui starts to get intrigued by this mysterious woman and starts to wonder who she is. After more battles happen, it's no surprise she wins the competition. Sense she won, she has the honor of battling Lui.

They briefly look at each other, but that is enough for them to share a look . A small fire electric that connects them both and means that they are fated. Ment to be partners or mated together. (Its kinda like in the movie Transylvania Hotel, kinda look between the human and vampire. )

They both go to the podium to dish it out or talk smack, but to everyone's shock, Valt declines the offer. Lui is shocked and a bit urked. Here's this woman who acted all childish and ready to prove everyone wrong, yet declines to fight him.

He's annoyed by her presence but wants to see her more. And soon enough, he wants to be more than rivals.

He soon starts to fall in love with her without him knowing. Which makes him more angered and flustered at the same time. Valt notices first and tries to distance herself from him, afraid that history will repeat itself.

Unfortunately for her, Lui refuses to be history between each other. He insisted on them training together and being together. He still doesn't realize it's because he's deeply in love with her. Eventually, Valt realizes she can't keep distance between them even if she wanted to because shes like Lui.

Eventually, she confesses she likes him, and at first, he's stunned. Lui isn't sure what to do with this information, but at the same time, another part of him is very pleased and happy.

She leaves him this information and when he sees her again it with an older man and someone her age. Lui is angered with jealousy. He is this guy, and how dare he hold her hand. He goes up to her and asks who they are and what they think they're doing with is future mate. He glares at the guy who is still holding Valts hand. He ignores the flustered Valt.

Back with Valt, after confessing to Valt, she goes home and hears from her father that he's coming to visit her and has a surprise for her. Valt is happy to see her father and goes to meet up with him. When they meet up, she is shocked and frozen when she sees who her father is with.

Ashtem greets her daughter and presents his protege and her future mate. Valt is still stunned to even hear what her father said. All she can do is stare at the face of someone she once knew, looking even more colder and more distant than the last time they saw each other.

Soon Valts realize what her father exclaims in shock. Shu all cold like lifts her hand and kisses it, saying he can't wait until they are united together like they promised each other. Valt is still stunned and confused to say anything. She slightly feels uncomfortable because she still hasn't confirmed how she feels about Shu.

Ashtem was about to congratulate them both and start to mention when their planning should start when Lui inturups him. He recognizes him as a well-known champion. Someone who's struggled to make a deal or partnership with.

He's puzzled by the claims of Lui but is intrigued how Valt managed to catch his gaze. Ashtem sensing an opportunity to see if his final project is complete, he proposes a competition between Lui and Shu for the rights to mate with Valt.

Am I Enough?  Lui x FemValtWhere stories live. Discover now