He said nothing else.

"Do either of you want my food? I'm too sick to my stomach." Billy asked the twins.

"I'll take it. Thank you, Billy." Mike said.


Samuel ordered the guards to have the chefs make two more plates.

"Do we announce it to the public, Went?" Marja asked.

Wentworth shook his head, "No, too risky. If Neil and Billy find out the royal family doesn't support them, then their ambitions could get set higher."

"What do you mean by that?" Aaron asked.

"I mean that the fool will try taking the crown for himself."

"They would have a claimant," Billy said.

Everyone turned to him for an answer.

"He's right, Billy's husband, Steve. His family descend from one of the royal consorts: King Arrachtán. He was an outlander I'm pretty sure."

Samuel remembered from his history lessons when becoming a consort. "That's right, his younger son was the founding lord of the House of Harrington. The Anglicised form of his father's name. Steve could very much stake a claim if he wished."

"I doubt it, to be honest. Steve doesn't even love him. You think he agrees with his claim?" Mike said.

"There were many consorts who didn't love their spouses. But you know what they did love? Power."

Richie turned to his brother. "He's got a point, Mike. Hell, which dynasty was in charge during Harrington's time?"

"The house of Stellarian," Marja said. Chills ran up her spine as she remembered. Remembered what that king did to her family.

"Steve has every motive to want the throne himself. Along with Billy, who has Stellarian blood." Billy said.

"Which is why you must marry now," Samuel said.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You already have a powerful house backing you. Wedding Robin is just the final step."

"What do you mean powerful? They used to be clergymen!" Aaron insulted.

Samuel put his own two cents in. "A man of the cloth can be a very dangerous man. They believe in gods that do but aren't seen. And remember, Harpius is the Father of Fathers. Remember what happened when I said no man my age should marry Billy?"

Wentworth continued, "He died, Aaron. The gods chose Arellano for a reason. You may not worship their gods but that doesn't mean they will reject you. It would be wise to marry Robin sooner rather than later."

"Or you may have to find a new consort," Richie said. Voice full of wistfulness.

Mike spoke for him, "My brother knows that better than anybody. He was to wed Crown Lord Eddie."

"Kaspbrak? My god, I am so sorry." Billy put his hand on Richie's shoulder. Who leaned into him. He started crying.

"Waiting can be deadly. And by Gimlé law, in times of war..."

"You can marry at any time. For armies and support," Billy said. Well versed in the law of the land.

"But I leave the choice to you. This is your future. And you will be married to him long after this passes."

"I think Richie should be shown to his chambers first. Him and his heart need the rest."

Samuel nodded and called the guards over. They also got his empty plate and cup.

Mike and Wentworth went with him. Retiring for the night.

Billy took a deep breath. The answer seemed obvious. He liked Robin and he could definitely learn to love him. But would he regret it? That was his biggest fear.

No, you are the Solar Prince. There will be light at the end of this tunnel. Things will turn out for the better.

"I will wed Robin and be brought under his house."

Samuel smiled, "Good, I know you fancied him before. Your marriage will not be loveless. I can already tell."

"Thank you, is that all?"

"OH! If we're supporting Vance then we should write to him and send him men. I think Went said he was at Wrangler Castle. I'll write to him myself. So goodnight boys, see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Mom, love you," Billy said.

"Love you too, Will."


As soon as the two got to their chambers, Marja sat down at her desk. Fervently writing with her ink and quill.

To the rightful heir to Leona Castle

Lord Vance -

"Dear? Did Vance ever change his surname to Hargrove?"
"I assume he did."

Lord Vance Hargrove

From Maria Showalter, Queen of Gimlé.

I support your cause. And believe you to be the rightful heir. Due to traditional primogeniture laws. Your mother, Nicole, was Crown lady. Who legitimised you before her death, in writing. Your grandfather, Lord Chase, named you his heir. Your uncle, Neil, and cousin, Billy, are usurpers.

I know what it's like to be in danger in your very own home. The tyrant King, Aethan Stellarian, and his wife, Aaliyah Oberon, were from violent blood. I spent a lot of my life in faraway land. While they painted this land red.

And now history is repeating itself. If I had to take a guess, the kill count would be around 20-30. These are the known casualties. Besides your grandparents.

Sir Nicolas Carver

Lady Brianna Carver

Crown Lord Eddie Kaspbrak

Crown Lord Stanley Uris

Sir George Denbrough

Crown Lady Barbara Holland

And most likely other unfortunate souls. My right hand, Wentworth, attended and he said that there may have even been some farmers brutalised.

Because of my past experience in ascending the throne, I will be supporting you. I am sending you 100 men. To Wrangler, because Wentworth saw you leave with the Yamada Clan.

If I had to give you anymore support, it would be advice: Marry to get more military. According to traditional law, you can make alliances at any time during times of war. Which includes matrimony. The answer to who your consort should be is obvious: Bruce Yamada. He has a younger sister who can one day rule their clan. His family's soldiers have incredibly good training. Yamato's blade art is magnificent. Taking a consort from them is most likely the best choice.

But this is your war to win. Even though you are only five and ten. I'm only supporting you. I hope you accept my offer and my advice.


Marja Showalter

With that, she wrapped the scroll up and sealed it in black wax with the house sigil: A sun with rays surrounding it. Normally a black sun with white rays. She chose black because it is the colour of mourning. And if you're mentioning the kill count, you'd ought to use that.

"Hopefully he wins this war," Samuel put his arms around her. "I would rather kill myself than see Neil in Leona's seat."

She laughed.

"Me too. I told him he should marry Bruce. They have great soldiers."

"Would be a wise choice. But Vance isn't the smartest in the shack, is he now?"

"No, but if he's got the Yamadas on his side then he won't have to be."

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