davy jones

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Gabbie POV


P1: sorry lass

P2: aye... it's the captains orders 

                               They're pushing me over to the cliff as adie gets dragged away. don't do this SON'T DO THIS I NEED TO GET TO ADIE-

P1: say hello to davy jones

                                 I fall into the water and can't swim with my legs and wrists tied but i gotta try. I can't stop water from getting into my mouth... i can't make it. I can't breathe... need air-

Lexi POV

L: *gulp*

TP: now, help me up. We must get back, something could be wrong

                           She just... kissed me-

TP: no time to lose 

                           I stand up and help her up. She starts running and i just follow behind trying ti process things... tiger peony just kissed me... my... my crush just kissed me for the. That was just her being happy to be alive right? If anyone else saved her she would've done it... but normally it'd be on the cheek not on the lips- 

TP: i'm sorry if what i did was too forward

L: i... oh n-nah it's fine peony, i'm just a lil shocked is all

TP: i suppose that's one way for me to show my feelings for you. i would rather not almost drown but that's in the past now 

                       FOR ME!?!?!-

TP: i'm aware everyone expects me to be fond of adie, after all she's a pan and not too bad looking... but i've had my eyes on you since we were children

L: *blushes* m... me? is this a joke?

TP: no, why would it be? you're beautiful 

                        I've been called a lot of things... but "beautiful" was never one of em

TP: you have a, as you would say, "amazing" soul

L: you really mean that... don't you?

TP: yes... i really do

L: i don't really know what to say

TP: we can talk about it later, we need to get back to camp

                           I think i must be day dreaming or something... i can't worry about that now 

Gabbie POV

?: kid! come on, kid get up!

                             I feel pressure on my chest and sit up and start coughing. My lungs hurt

?: kid! what happened? 

G: i- *cough* i can't remember *cough*... mr. pan?

P: yeah kid, it's me

                           Seeing him made me remember everything at once


Adie POV

                           Ow ow ow ow my back, what's going on? I open my eyes and realize i'm getting dragged, there's pirates everywhere. I jump up and try to fly away 

A: g-get off me

                             Ow my back, was i being dragged the entire time? i think i'm bleeding

I: no point in fighting pan

A: *whispers* irene, what the heck?

I: shut up, hook gave me orders and i'm going to follow em 

                                  The rest of the ride is a jerky one. I keep trying to get away once in a while but i just can't escape, there's too many pirates... i'm alone. If i can just get to my dagger i should be able to cut myself free but with my wrists tied and being pulled forward i can't get my hands on it without people noticing... i'm just gonna have to wait till we stop moving... unless i call for help

A: so what? you think bringing me to Hook'll do anything? i can still talk your ears off, believe me, i know i can. Ya won't want me in pirate cove-


P: irene, we back

P2: we took care of er

A: you mean "her"?

P2: aye, she swimming with the fishes 

                             Took care of her? Who's her... WAIT OH MY GOD


                           I pull hard on the rope and try to get away, i need to make sure she's okay


I: you don't need to get to anyone


I: will one of y'all shut er up 


                            They tie a bandanna around my mouth. I try stopping with my feet, flying, reaching for my hidden dagger but nothing's working there's too many of them against me, they just keep pushing and pulling me to pirate cove, it's no good                      

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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line without a hookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ