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Adie POV

           I slowly start lowering into the forest...i can't let the pirates see me from their watch towers that's like the last thing i need. I quietly zip thru the forest. Tink catches up because i have to be slow around here and starts going off


A: SHHHHH your gonna get us caught...look okay i'll tell ya everything if ya promise not ya blow my cover

T: *ring

A: yeah yeah okay fine...i'll get ya some gumdrops too now shhhh

               She agrees and sits in my pocket as i make is to the entrance of pirate cove...woah this place looks so much bigger then i remember. I hide on the side of the gate and crawl over to the dock side. Then i quietly fly past the boats...its risky but the fastest way. If i'm right Gabbie and....and Hook's boat should still be THERE! ooooh they remodeled but i'm right

T: *ring*

A: hey shhh we had a deal

T: *ring*

A: ya think i don't know this is risky? don't worry gab's is my old bucko or whatever they say over here-

T: *ring*

A: what? no she'd never pull a fast one on me besides i'm like way faster they couldn't catch me even if i had a hand behind my back

                     I fly to her room window and sure enough see her inside...i knock on the window and hide under it out of sight from any one who could be watching

Gabbie POV

*knock knock*

                     What the hell? I open my window...

G: is someone there

A: only if ya want me ta be bud

                     That voice...i know it...SHIT! I grab my gun and back up while aiming at the window...i...i have to if i can. I see a shadow walk in...that's adie's. Its jumps onto my bed and lays in it

A: well shit *chuckle* lost it again

G: l-look you have to get outta here adie...i...i c-can't hang with you anymore okay? t-things change

A: aw come on's been years

G: i...

A: it ain't breaking no laws if we don't get caught

G: *sigh* has been a while...ight fine come get your damn shadow it's messing up my damn bed

A: aye aye captain 

                I see a silhouette appear in my window...i can't see her cus of the sun, her shadow returns to her. She opens my window and walks in...damn...teenage years really do change people

A: woah gabs ya ain't too bad looking yanno that?

G: you don't look too bad yourself

                   I put down the gun, she flies over to me and tackles me to the bed in a hug

A: man bud its been too damn long aha

G: yeah it has...*sigh* but yanno you can't stay here right?

A: yeah yeah but fuck that...anyways happy 18th my guy

G: oh thanks

A: got ya a lil something...okay well i've been wanting ta give it to ya for a while but yanno

                    She pulls a wrapped box out of her backpack...a present?

G: really?

A: hey it's been like years in the making or whatever

                    I open it...a pan pipe

G: woahhhhh

A: ya like it?

G: yeah it's dope...i actually had something for you i was never able to get to you...its in the closet in a orange bag

A: i'll get it

                I get up, she comes out of the closet with the bag, opens it and gasps

G: you like it?

A: i've never had a necklace

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A: i've never had a doesn't really know how to raise a girl it ain't his fault and i don't mind anyways i do you put it on?

G: oh i can help you

                          She stands in front of the mirror and i help her put it on...she looks at it in the while she's'd be

A: okay?

G: yeah i'm fine

I: hey gabs-...AHHHH-



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