the past is a beach

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AN: HA.HA. FUNNY JOKE IN TITLE. LAUGH...jk lmao ik its bad-

Adie POV 

A: yeah okay

Tink:'re just like him like shut up aha...i'm over him

A: ya have a nice dude back at pixie hollow right?

T: yeah he's my boo

A: i don't see why you stay with us more then you hang with your friends

T: i'm pan's fairy that's why

A: yeah but it's only across the island and i know you can get there in less then a day

T: which i do sometimes

A: was it just boring?

T: well as you know i've had plenty of my own adventures and i've saved pixie hollow plenty of times

A: yeah yeah no need to brag

T: *chuckle*...well after that i was exploring for some lost things and heard...heard a cry...a boy who clearly wasn't i followed it all the way to the main land. I saw him in a carriage...his mom was talking about sending him to a school that sounded terrible i brought my friends and we rescued him...i don't exactly know why i heard him and not any other boy but...i'm glad i did

A: i am too...hell who know's aha he could've ended up working some boring ass job and sending me to school too...and i mean sure i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but...i'm fine aren't I?

T: maybe in our eyes

A: what's that supposed to mean?

T: ...your mother never really fought it but...she wanted-

D: to send you to school

A: *gasp* dad

                     He sits down next to me and tink sits on his shoulder

D: yeah that's how it went...i told her i had to come back and asked her to come and as you've heard before...she said no...she wanted to stay at the main broke my heart but i have a job here yanno? the lost kids, the Indians heck even the animals are kinda my people to protect...i feel that's why tink saved me...heck when hook came around and started causing trouble someone had to stop him

A: ...and she...she just never came back?

D: i've gone and visited it her...every time i do she's a lil older...older then me technically but...she never married anyone else, i never flew into a scene i never saw kids...she stayed...her kissed kinda became more awkward *tears up*...i can't y-yanno keep up with her...h-her age...i...there's a lotta nights i wish i stayed with her or t-that she came with me...but i love her and...i had to give her what she wanted...s-she wanted me to take you. i told her she deserves a mother and h-her love but she'd grow up better here...there's not a day i don't wish honestly...that...t-that i grew up

A: *sniff* aw m-man...i...i...*whimper*

                    Oh my God he's never told me that...especially like that before...i wanna meet her. I...I wanna meet her so bad...just to at least once be able to say...heck i've always wanted to be able to hug her and say..."i love you mommy"  

D: oh adie come ere

                   I hug dad hard and he rubs circles in my back singing that tune he's sung me since i was a baby...he's never had the best singing voice but it was always enough to be soothing. By the end of the song i calm down and stop crying

T: ...*gulp* wanna know who taught peter that song?

A: w-who?

T: your mom sang it when she was here with her brothers...she was explaining to the lost boys...what a mom is...i was really mad at her but...later...i realized...she was right...and i...i wanted to be a father

A: *sniff*...d-dad please...o-one day...i g-gotta see her daddy...please

D: *sigh*...i do too...even if it's for the last time...i have to kiss her one last time...we'll go soon...i promise...very soon

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