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Irene POV

            I'm not sure we're ready to do that-


            Hook slams his fist on the table

H: watch your language around me young lady! i may allow you to curse but you will NOT do so to me i am your superior!...*clears throat* you're an adult's about time you go on a real pirate's quest...right smee?

D: yes 

I: dad!

D: well the captain has a point're both at the age where you must prove your true priates

I: yanno what?'re right

H: see gabrielle? your bucko irene gets it! in fact we saw Pan and Adie flying to that bloody start earlier...meaning now is the perfect time

G: I...I c-can't dad

H: why sure you can my girl! you're a Hook after all! and us hooks always get our way

D: *rolls eyes*

I: ppftt...*clears throat* 

G: i...*gulp*

H: right?

G: y-yeah a...a h-hook

H: that's my can start once the sun sets. Pan normally takes his sweet time on the mainland visiting his *air quotes* true love...i already chose the crew you'll take and a ship

G: ...ight 

~~~back on the mainland~~~

Adie POV

           I sit in front of her, she lifts my foot and starts sewing my shadow's feet onto it

D: that brings back memories 

M: sure does...i still remember when you came thru that window for the first time and gave my brothers a fright...only for a little though...i wasn't scared

A: *gulp* mom? c-can i ask you something?...and d-dad please don't answer

D: oh uh okay

M: of course 

A: i what you wanted?

M: well what do you mean my dear?

A:*sigh* i know i'm not the best kid...not the prettiest girl heck i hardly act like one...i just y-yanno i-

M: adie you're perfect exactly as you are...peter could you go make some tea?

D: uh wendy yanno i never was the best at that

M: please?

D: ...i'll try

                 Dad walks out and mom starts on my other shoe

M: don't expect it to be good...your father really does try however his cooking can be...whats the word

A: gross?

M: *chuckle* if that's how you'd word that he's gone

                  She quickly sews my other foot and i stand to make sure it's on. Sure enough my shadow doesn't move

M: who's the lucky fellow?

A: w-what?

M: i know peter couldn't have given you that necklace 

A: o-oh uh it's n-not like that 

                 I pull up a stool and sit again

M: mhm

A: s-seriously we're just friends

M: that's exactly what peter said about us

A: w-well it's different s-she's a girl so y-yanno

M: oh think gender defines love?

A: w-well's not like that anyway-

M: really now? so you haven't ever thought to yourself whoever gave you this means for to you?

A: sure i have but it's...she was just being was a birthday gift

M: that you've held on to so far

A: well yeah

M: adie i'm sure any other necklaces, if you had more, you'd switch out for that one once in a while and yet you're wearing that one...when you get something from someone you care about you keep it...treasure if even if its something as silly as this

                 She pulls out a thimble...the one dad gave her

A: you still have it? 

M: it was his first symbol of love towards me

A: ...yeah...he still has yours

M: so again i ask...who's the lucky person

A: i don' them...honest

M: adie...i can read you like a book you're my daughter

                   I don' gabbie...i don't think she knows me like she thinks she does...gabbie and i are just friends. Always have been always will be...right?

M: oh come now adie i won't tell

A: *sigh* know hook?

M: a little more then i wish i did

A: ...well he has...okay so there's this girl

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