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Adie POV

A: ...now *yawn* i'ma head home i'm bushed...mom told me something called jet lag or some shit would make me tired and man is it

L: here

             Lexi helps me up and holy damn am I tired. I stumble out the tent and Lexi grabs my bad arm without thinking

A: ahhh shit lex

L: shit sorry

A: it's *yawn* okay

          Tiger Peony walks up to me

TP: thank you again Adie

A: yeah *chuckle* just don't go getting caught while I'm far away any time soon

TP: *giggle* I'll keep it in mind...how can I thank you?

A: come on Tiger yanno I don't need anything-

              She kisses me on the cheek again and I blush

A: I uh aha um b-better go I'm uh bushed

L: yeah let's get ya home bud

                   Lexi and I walk home and dad's flying above us...he don't look to happy...not mad either but he's having trouble flying...We make it home and Lexi helps me climb the ladders up the trees

A: thanks

L: yeah bud no problem

              I walk into my room, close the door and change. I walk over to my bed and hear someone fly in thru my window...

A: *sigh* dad i-

D: lemme see the arm

               I roll up my sleeve and show him the wrapped arm

A: see? it's fine it'll...*wince* it'll heal

                 Hurts like a bitch though- 

D: *sigh* we'll get you a cast later...go to sleep i have to go over some things

A: i...*sniff* i'm sorry d-dad

                  Everything's kicking in...i shouldn't have messed around so much...Irene was trying to shoot me...Gabs would've killed Tiger Peony it's all real it's not a game no more...i start to cry and dad walks up to me and hugs me

D: i'm just glad you didn't get more hurt

A: i t-tired

D: hey it's okay...you're okay now and so is Tiger Peony...that's enough...*yawn* go get some rest adie

A: o-okay...y-yeah okay 

                 He messes with my hair and walks out...i lay down and once my head hits the pillow i'm out like a light

Gabbie POV

D: you WHAT?

G: she was too fast dad i couldn't catch her come on 

D: no no no not that's Gabrielle...you shot her?

G: i...w-well no i d-didn't it was irene

D: irene...hmm

                     Since the semi-fight rene and i had we haven't spoken to each other. Dad called me to his captain cabin as soon as we docked...i thought he'd be pisses we messed up...then again he did with the ORIGINAL version of what we did

D: ...you SURE she shot her?

G: y-yeah...well it like skidded her arm b-but it got her like she was shocked

D: hmmmm...i believe this information is valuable...maybe we shouldn't be aiming for Pan

                    Ge you think? you've been doing that for years-

D: in fact...i suppose even if we couldn't kill Pan killing his daughter would be a powerful blow

G: *gulp* k-kill her?

D: well yes...maybe before the most that could rattle Pan was Wendy or those blasted lost boys but now...it'd be his own daughter...his own blood. I know it would wound me if you were ever hurt

G: uh...t-thanks

D: is something wrong Gabrielle? 

G: nothing dad i just have a headache

D: understandable...being a captain isn't easy

                     Yeah especially if you maybe don't want to be one

D: well...go relax, buy a drink, rest...considering our enemy you did great for a first time

                      There ain't drinking laws here...were pirates once i hit seven dad let me drink. I never liked it to be honest

G: *sigh* thanks dad

D: oh and Gabrielle

G: yeah?

D: call your bucko irene to come in...i want to have a talk with her

G: uh yeah okay

                    I walk out and see Irene doing some target practice with beer bottles and her gun

G: ...hey rene?

I: what do you want?

G: uh dad wants to talk to you actually

I: ...hook?

G: yeah

I: uh...ight

                  She walks to dads cabin and i head to the bar...maybe i can black out or something i don't know...just remembering Adie's face is fucking with me. She was so scared and confused once she realized she was hit

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