Introduction part 2

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Gabbie POV

                Adie starts to panic but then does i think the bravest thing she could've done right about now


                   She runs behind them and starts teasing them and they run to her instead of me

A: grab a rock or something! come on help a girl out here!

                    I start throwing some rocks at them and Adie jumps on top of a croc. She starts leading them away and waves at me

A: come on!

                  I stumble and trip but then get up and follow her

A: okay can ya list me some happy things?

G: some what?


G: uhhhhh...raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens?

A: that works

                  She grabs my shoulders and starts to fly up with me 


A: hey don't worry i've been doing this since...i was like five *holds up four fingers*

                     She gets me on her back and grabs a slingshot out of her pocket and starts using it to attack the crocs with pebbles

A: here i need help

                     She hands me one and i copy her

G: h-hey! its working!

A: heck yeahhhh

                  The crocs stop trying to fight and just swim away. Adie floats up back down and kinda drops me

A: oof sorry i've never carried someone before

G: its fine...hey you like saved me!

A: aha i guess i did, didn't i? i'm so cool

G: yeah

                 She really is honestly! i only know one other person who can fly and calls him things i'm not allowed to say yet

A: wanna play?

G: play?

A: your it

                    She pats my arm then runs away a couple steps and looks confused...what was that?

A: um hello? you run? i tag? get it?

G: uh no i don't 

A: about this

                  She throws a stick at me and i pick it up then she comes at me with this i can do! 

G: sword fight!

A: aha your going down...h-hook?-

G: huh? how'd you know?


G: *gasp* DAD!

                    I turn around and stop dead in my tracks...he's pointing a gun

H: whyyyy looks like ya caught yourself a lil rat now havn't ya? 

G: what? oh no daddy this is adie-

Smee: Adie Pan

G: pan?...adie?

                     I turn around and see two pirated grab adie and start pushing her forward...she starts crying

A: y-you're h-hook's daughter?

G: you're pan's?

H: well i guess today wouldn't have been a complete lost after all

G: w-wait daddy 

                  He walks up to adie and grabs her by the neck, lifts her up and puts his hook very close to her face

A: w-why if i were any b-bigger i'd beat that beard right off y-ya lemme go-

H: so the rat has some fight in him aye?

G: she's a girl

H: huh? oh...well either way this'll be the perfect way to get back at pan-


S: i-it's pan sir!

H: where!?!-

P: right here ya over grown cod fish!

                      Peter pan swoops down and grabs adie in his arms and puts her on his shoulders

P: aha i can't leave ya anywhere too long without ya getting in trouble huh adie?

A: i...i-

P: ah no worries adie...that's my dad can introduce you to the scum of never land

A: the c-cod fish?

P: yeah ahaha

H: shut up 

                      He aims his gun at Pan and Adie and shoots. Pan easily avoids it 

H: THAT right there gabrielle is the REAL scum of never land i've told you about...good job on finding me his rat of a daughter...come on men! lets move out and repair our day pan i'm going to make you pay for ALL the damage you've done

P: aha sure hook!

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