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Ash was hanging out with his friends

"Growl! Growl!" Growlie said

"Growlie? What's up?" Ash said

"Growl! Growl! Growl!" Growl barked in panic

"Slow down, what's the matter?" Meowth said

"Growl! Growl!" Growlie said as he ran off

"What's wrong with Growlie?" Misty said

"I don't know, but I've a feeling it's not good." Ash said

They followed Growlie to the house & saw Delia, James, & Jessie. They also saw a formally dressed man & two formally dressed women

"Who are they?" Tracey said

"That's James' parents & Ex-Fiancé." Ash said

"So, this is where you've been hiding." Jessiebelle said

"What are you all doing here?" James glared

"We have come to take you home, so you can marry Jessiebelle." Ivanna said

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't wanna marry her." James said irritatingly

"James, we have had enough of this rebellion, you are going to marry Jessiebelle whether you like it or not." Harrison scolded

"& I told you no, don't you two realize that once I marry her, I will have to release Growlie & replace him?" James argued

"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made." Harrison said

"Sacrifice!? Is that what you think of my Growlie!?" James yelled angrily

"It's what's best for the family." Ivanna said

"See, this is exactly why I joined Team Rocket in the first place." James said

"You joined what!?" Ivanna exclaimed shockingly

"James, how could you join a terrible organization such as Team Rocket?" Harrison said

"It's because of you two!" James snapped

"What!?" Both exclaimed

"You two always forced me into things I didn't wanna do while I was growing up & you do what's best for you & not for me. You didn't think or care about what I wanted, it was always what you wanted. That's why I ran away & joined Team Rocket, so I could be free from you & live my life." James said

"How dare you blame us for your misdeeds." Harrison scowled

"Well, when it comes to you two being my parents, you never raised me properly. Luckily, me & my partner Jessie quit Team Rocket thanks to Delia here, she took us in when we had nowhere to go. At least, Nanny & Pop Pop are like real parents to me & sometimes I wished I was raised by them instead of you!" James said

"Enough of this, I guess I'm going to have to force you to come back with & marry me." Jessiebelle said

"Hold on." Ash said as he went to James' side

"Hm? You again?" Jessiebelle said

"You're not forcing anybody to do anything." Ash said

"Young man, this is a family matter, it has nothing to do with you." Harrison said

"That's right, so stay out of this." Ivanna demanded

"No, I don't care if it's a family matter, I won't let you keep doing this to James." Ash glared "After hearing the full story of James' past, it's no wonder why he joined Team Rocket, you two are the worst parents I've ever seen."

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