Tauros Trade & Safari Visit

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Tauros Trade & Safari Zone Revisit

A half month had passed & Ash had decided to trade his 29 Tauros & revisit the Safari Zone. He learned from Professor Oak that there was a Trade Convention in Viridian City. While Ash was passing through Route 1 with Pikachu & Meowth on his shoulders

"Route 1 sure brings back memories, right Pikachu?" Ash said

"Pika." Pikachu said

"What are you talking about, Ash?" Meowth asked

"Well, this is where I first met Fearow when he was a Spearow." Ash explained "Not only that, Route 1 is where Pikachu & I had a rough start."

"A rough start? How rough was it?" Meowth said

"Pikachu & I didn't get along very well, he kept shocking me with his Electric attacks & was disobedient towards me." Ash said

"Wow, I guess that's pretty bad." Meowth said

"It was, just then we were attacked by Spearow & his flock & that river over there is where we lost them." Ash said as he pointed at the river "I'll show where we first met Misty."

When Ash got to the place where he met Misty

"This was where you met her?" Meowth said

"Yeah, the Spearow flock eventually found us, so I took her bike to flee from them." Ash said

"I bet she wasn't happy about that." Meowth said

"No, she wasn't." Ash said as he looked up in the sky & saw dark clouds "Looks like it's about to rain, we should look for shelter."

They had found a spot to stay dry under a tree & watched the rain pour down,

"Hey Ash, did you & Pikachu manage to escape the Spearow flock?" Meowth said

"We did, when the Spearow were about to attack me, Pikachu came to the rescue & defeated them with a powerful electric attack." Ash explained "When the rain stopped, we saw a rainbow & a Pokémon that my old Pokédex didn't have data on."

"Whoa, what an amazing story." Meowth said

"Y'know, being under a tree with you guys reminds me of something from my past." Ash said. "When I was a little kid, I took shelter under a tree when it was raining. Just then I noticed a Caterpie, a Weedle, an Oddish, a Rattata, & a Butterfree out in the rain, so I offered them shelter under the tree with me."

"Hm, you surely have a pure heart, I'll give you that." Meowth admitted

"Yeah, sometimes I wonder how they're doing." Ash said

Several minutes later, the rain stopped.

"The skies are clear as crystal, you two." Ash said

"Thank goodness." Meowth said in relief

"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed

"Shaoooh!" A voice screeched

Ash turned & saw the Pokémon he saw when he started his journey as a Pokémon Trainer flying by them

"There it is! That's the Pokémon I saw!" Ash exclaimed

"Quick, use your new Pokédex." Meowth said

"Right." Ash said as he pulled out his new Pokédex

Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon, Ho-Oh's feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at the foot of a rainbow.

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