12 - carrot cake

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"Would mama like this one, dad?"

I turned around to look at the ring my son was pointing at.

"I don't think I should ask your mama to marry me with a ring pop, buddy, but you can get it for her if you want."

Archie paused for a minute, placing his index finger on his chin in thought.

"No, I'll help you find mama's one first, dad."

He walked up beside me, going on his tip toes to peer at the rings I was looking at.

"What about that one?" I suggested, pointing to a diamond ring with a silver band.

"No." Archie shook his head. "Mama said she likes green, like me. We should get her a green one."

My son seems to know my girlfriend better than me.

"That one, dad."

I looked down at the ring he was pointing at. It was an emerald ring with a silver band. The stone wasn't too big, and was attached to the band with ornate decorations. It wasn't big enough to be over the top, but it was big enough to make a statement and I could definitely see it on Olive's finger.

I gave Archie a fist bump after asking the woman in the store to package up the ring for me. I scanned my card quickly and was handed a small bag in return.

Olivette was currently hanging out with Theia in her bakery. She's been working around 3-4 days a week recently, with Theia taking on a managerial role in her absence. Not that she minds, it just gives Theia more experience and Olivette more time with Archie.

"Can we go see mama?" Archie questioned up at me as we walked out of the mall and towards the car, our security detail following close behind.

"I think we should go home first, to hide the surprise." I answered as I clipped him into the car seat.

He giggled and then nodded, his hand in front of his mouth to hide his grin. I was hesitant in telling Archie about my plans, worried that he might spill the beans and tell Olivette, but he is so important to both of us, and if it wasn't for him I never would have met Olive, so its only right that he is involved in the proposal.

We pulled up in our driveway relatively soon after we left the mall and I let myself out before getting Archie out of the car.

Walking up the front steps, I let Archie walk through the front door ahead of me as he ran into the kitchen. I could hear both his voice and others, so I followed to see what all the commotion was about.

"It was so fun, Caroline! Daddy took me to get a huuuuge surprise for mama! But I can't tell you what it is because I told Daddy I wouldn't tell anyone, so I won't" He rambled at lightning speed, ending his speech with a finger on his lips to show his secrecy.

"Wow, that sounds so interesting Archie, I'm sure whatever it is you got your mama she will love." Caroline smiled gently at the bounding 6 year old and gave me a knowing smile. I had already mentioned it to Caroline earlier, so she knew exactly what was going on and to cover for me if Olivette couldn't find us.

I quickly excused myself from the kitchen, leaving Archie with Caroline as I went up to mine and Olive's bedroom. I found myself pacing about where to hide the ring when a voice from behind me snapped me out of my reverie.

"Hide it in your office."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled, looking at Francis.

"I was hungry." He shrugged. "Plus, Emme wanted to go see Olive, so I came to see you. Turns out you're off buying jewellery instead." He said in a teasing tone.

"Don't tell anyone."

"Fine, then I won't tell you my secret." He grinned like a kid, crossing his arms over his chest, seemingly quite proud of himself.

"You can't keep anything from me to save your life." I stated, walking past him and out of my bedroom door, towards my office.

"True." he sighed as he trudged along beside me. I placed the ring in one of my desk drawers, knowing that Olive won't go snooping in my papers to respect my privacy.

"When are you going to ask?"

I looked up at Francis, unsure of the answer myself.

"When I say so."

Francis sighed deeply, instead choosing to turn on his heel and walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I yelled, slowly walking out of the office.

"To take your son to see Emme and Olive because you are too dull." he responded.

I quickly closed the desk drawer, walking quickly after Francis. I followed him and Archie to the car, making sure he was properly buckled in before getting in the driver's seat.

"It's a super special secret uncle Frankie, so you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

Listening to my son be so fiercly protective of this event instilled a level of pride in me I didn't know was possible.

"Of course, soldier. I won't tell anyone. Not even auntie Emme." Frankie winked at Archer, turning around from his seat to face the little boy.

Within around 10 minutes I had reached the bakery. Parking on the street a little way away from the bakery, I helped Archie out of the car and we walked hand in hand into the bakery.

Walking in, the memories of the first time I came in here with Archie came flooding ack, prompting a smile to adorn my face. Looking behind the counter I could see Olivette as beautiful as the day I first saw her, maybe even more possibly.


"Oh! What a pleasant surprise!" Olivette squealed, rushing out from behind the till to envelope Archie in a hug, lifting him up off the ground in the process.

"Hi, Sweetheart." I whispered, loud enough only for our small family to hear before placing a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"What are you doing here? It's wonderful to see you, but I thought you were working?"

"Well, I decided to come and give my beautiful girlfriend a visit, plus, I couldn't make you deal with Francis all on your own." I joked.

"Well, I'm very happy to see you all." She grinned. "And Emme's glowing with her bump."

"I bet she is." I mumbled, glancing up at Francis and Emmeline at a table not too far away from us. "I can't believe it's already been 3 months since they told us. Baby will be here so soon."

Emmeline is now 28 weeks pregnant, and, according to Francis, the carrot craving has not left.

"I'm so excited for them though." Olive smiled "plus, I'm making a fortune from the amount of carrot cake that girl is eating."

I laughed at that, watching as Emme ate another forkful of cake and then hitting Francis for trying to get a bite.

We walked over towards the couple, Olivette placing down a green cup of milk for Archie and a few chocolate muffins.

"Godsend." Francis mumbled, stuffing some chocolate cake into his mouth.

I looked towards the beautiful woman cleaning Archie's sticky fingers.

"She really is."

- - -

Author's Note:

I was away for a while oops

Sorryyy :)

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