8 - tea and cake

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"So, milk or juice?" I turned to face Archie with both bottles in my hand.

"Um, Juice."

I poured a little into a green cup and placed it on the counter, beside his plate of toast.

"Thank you, mama!" He cheered before taking a sip.

Archie has been calling me mama for about a week now, ever since he said it in his sleep. We had a proper conversation with him about it and he's been thrilled ever since that he now has a mother and a father.

The sound of footsteps made me turn my head. I saw Ezra trying to button the top button of his shirt, his tie lay around his neck, untied.

"Do you need some help?" I laughed as I buttoned his shirt and tied his tie for him.

"You're perfect." Ezra whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Ewwww! No kissing!" Archie squealed, covering his eyes.

"Oh? So you don't want me to do-" he placed another kiss on my lips. "-this?" He finished his question, now peppering kisses all over my face.

"No!" He giggled as he ran towards us.

"oh, so do you want kisses now then, Mr Archer Hayes?" I questioned, faking confusion as I picked him up and tickled him.

The sound of Ezra's phone ringing caught our attention.

"Hey, yes, of course, see you soon."

I heard Ezra's sounds of agreement before he ended the phone call and looked at me, a look of hesitancy on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, my hands finding their way to my hips.

"I love it when you're all bossy." He grinned.

"No, spill. What is it that you're so nervous to say?"

"Um, that was my parents. They flew in for a surprise visit. I'll skip work for today. They'll be here in an hour or so." He mumbled the last sentence as he scratched the back of his neck, an anxious habit of his.

"Oh, um, well, I can go if you want-"

"No! um, what I mean is, I want you to meet them. If you want, that is. I mean, you're my girl now and Archie's mother. I want them to meet you." He promised, walking towards me and giving me a hug.

"Okay, if you're sure." I sighed. "Are you sure they'll like me?"

"How could they not?"

I nodded, laying my head on Ezra's chest as we looked at Archie eating his breakfast. He had polished off his pancakes and was drinking his juice at lightning speed. He slammed the cup down onto the counter, taking a big breath as he did so.

"Done." He grinned up at us.

"You drank that awfully quick." Ezra smiled down at his son.

Just as he said that, Archie let out a small hiccup, causing us both to laugh.

"I got hiccups, mama." he pouted at me.

"Oh, poor baby." I giggled as I picked him up and cuddled him close to my chest. Ezra wrapped his arms around us.

"Family hug!" Archie squealed with joy, hiccuping between the words.

His words made me realise, we are actually a family now.

Holy crackers, I have a family.

I looked up at Ezra and gave him a big grin, which he returned.

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