I. Shelby Bradford (Incomplete)

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Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 version)

Theme song: Elastic Heart by Sia

Status: Alive

First name: Shelby
Middle name: Lynn
Last name: Bradford

• Heroes in a Half Shell- 15-16
Heroes in a Half Shell: Rogue- 16
Birthday: January 15th, 1997
Zodiac: Capricorn

Gender: Female

S.O.: Heterosexual

Species: Mutant wolf (Genome is 95%, human, 5% grey wolf)

- Father: Christopher Bradford/Dogpound/Rahzar
- Mother: Samantha Bradford (deceased)
- Brothers: Aiden Bradford, Tyler Bradford

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Currently lives: NYC, New York

Affiliation: The Hamato Clan

• Human- 5'3", around 160-165 pounds. Pale complexion, a larger, straight nose, and a dark brown mane of hair that can't decide if it wants to be wavy or curly. Pale blue eyes with a dark blue ring around the irises. Thick thighs and waist, and broader set shoulders. She has a single scar on her right cheek, three large scars across her clavicle/shoulder, and two thick, horizontal cuts across her back.
• Wolf- on the larger side for a female wolf: maintains a 5'3" length and her weight, making her very muscular beneath her fur. About 28 inches tall at the shoulder. Thick, fluffy white fur that covers her entire body, only breaking where her scars are. Piercing icy blue eyes and a black nose, paw pads, and claws.

Powers: She has the ability to shift between a human form and a wolf form. This is mainly triggered by negative emotions sure as fear or anger. In both forms, she has the ability to create frost, ice, and snow, though this power is subdued in her human form and amplified in her wolf form.

Weapon(s): Twin ono (Japanese throwing axes)

Personality: Quite dynamic depending on who she's with. A few simple terms to describe her are stubborn, angry, intelligent, strong-willed, and sarcastic. Shelby can be hard to get along with until you and her on better terms. Once she knows you well, she can be sweet, funny, protective, and caring. She often puts others before herself without any forethought, and will do anything for her family and those she loves.

Fear(s): Arachnids, heights

Backstory: Shelby Lynn Bradford was born to a hurriedly married, young couple, Chris and Sam Bradford. They lived in an apartment in downtown Detroit, a safer place to raise their daughter, but a safer home came at a cost; the expensive rent. The family struggled to meet the payments at the end of each month, and it didn't help when the couple had twin boys. Tensions ran high in the family, often resulting in fights between the couple. The fights would sometimes escalate to a physical level between the two, although Chris's blows hurt much more than Sam's.

This pattern kept up for three year. The couple tried to make their marriage work for their children, but it was a violent, viscous circle that neither could get out of. Eventually, during their last fight, Chris, in a blind rage, ended up hitting Shelby when she tried to tell them to explain that he brother's were waking. Sam, horrified at the amount of pain and fear twisting Shelby's features, arranged for Chris to live in New York. While Sam and the boys helped Chris move into an apartment above a vacant martial arts studio, Shelby met a stranger who lived in the sewers; a young mutant named Michelangelo. They planned to be best friends, but Shelby had to leave. To make it up to Mikey, she gave him her baseball with her name on it, something he keeps to this day, both unaware that it is her's.

While driving back to Detroit, after entering Ohio, they got into an automobile accident, resulting in a slight memory loss in Shelby. She couldn't remember anything from the past week, and it never came back to her, like the doctors expected. The memory of Michelangelo was lost.

Over the next ten years, Shelby, her mother, and her brothers remained in Detroit, her mother becoming a medical assistant and managing to successfully sustain the family. Unfortunately, Sam's body was morphed into a ticking time bomb; after the car accident, her body lost the ability to properly process cholesterol and glucose, making her diabetic and her blood cholesterol levels naturally high. She tried to keep the levels down in her blood, but despite her effort, she eventually developed undiagnosed heart disease, and one night at dinner, she had a fatal heart attack. Since she had never reported Chris's abusive nature to the state, or even filed an official divorce, he received custody of Shelby and her brothers.

If you want to learn more about Shelby, you can find her in these books:
- Heroes in a Half Shell
- Heroes in a Half Shell: Rogue (being republished)
- Blinded by Envy (Short story)
- Forgiveness (Novella, to be published)
- Heroes in a Half Shell: Infiltrated (to be published)
- Heroes in a Half Shell: Unity (Novella, to be published)
- Rescue (Novella, to be published)
- Heroes in a Half Shell: Dissolved (Novella, to be published)
- Heroes in a Half Shell: Turtle Power (to be published)

Other stories she's featured in that aren't part of the series:
- A Half Shell Christmas (Short story)
- Seven. Eight. Nine. [A Destinardo One-shot]

Stories by other users with Shelby in them:
- TMNT Hunger Games, written by hope_forever_18
- May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favour, written by Dreamzreader

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