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It had been a week since Brandon kissed me. Ryan questioned me once and when I explained that it wasn't me who initiated it, he left the thought alone. I thought about that moment and the butterflies for so long. Each passing day that was on my mind each second. Brandon hadn't really talked to me all week. A hello here and there or explaining a stunt but we were never that close again. Did he feel that it was a mistake? Did I ruin things? 

So many thoughts rest on my busy mind. Between filming and working at the diner I didn't even notice my new found fame had people noticing who I was in public until the crew and I decided to go out one night. 

The bar we commonly frequented "Luckys" was packed that Saturday of course. Knoxville kept his arm around me as we walked inside to loud music and the smell of pot. Johnny took me to the bar buying me a drink "you need it girl, you're working your ass off" he smiled softly at me. I thanked him and took it sipping at the fruity beverage.

The night went on and I hung out with Knoxville and Ryan pretty much the whole time until I noticed a random guy across the bar staring. He got up moving closer and sat on a bar stool next to me. "You're Emerson from Jackass right?" he asked with a sweet tone. I was a few drinks in so all I did was nod and continue to sip my drink. "Don't get too excited" I said with a short tone. "Bad day?" he asked drinking from his cup full of Budweiser. "More like bad week" I responded with a small sigh. He nodded as if he understood and got up grabbing my hand pulling me to the dance floor that was packed without a second to think. "My name is Harvey by the way" he smiled and for a moment I felt free. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that all my worries melted away with his touch. 

We danced and drank till I felt like I physically couldn't anymore. This guy was so nice, in nursing school and he really had a future going for him. Little did I know Brandon had been observing from afar all night being held back by Ryan who wanted me to have a good time. When Harvey walked me outside to share a joint, Brandon must have gotten the wrong idea. We lit up the joint and shared it for a moment before the doors flew open and Harvey was under Brandon who started throwing his fists around.

I jumped to my feet "stop! STOP!" Ryan came outside with Knoxville pulling Bam off. I was shaking I had no idea what just happened. Harvey stood up with my help he had a busted lip and for sure a black eye. I helped him to his car putting my number in his phone "please call if you need anything at all, Im so sorry" I apologized about a billion times with tears in my eyes until he told me to stop and that he would be ok then he drove off.

I walked back to the front of the bar seeing Knoxville and Ryan talking to Brandon. His big blue eyes looked up meeting mine and I sighed rolling my eyes. Bam tried to say something but I shut that down quickly "Im going home, just- please leave me alone" I said stepping back. He wen to say another word and I stated "goodbye" as I walked towards my vehicle I had drove separately there. Boy was I glad I drove separate. 

| I have been resurrected. How have you all been doing? I hope this chapter sent too boring. Im trying to get back into writing.|

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