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It was officially Friday which meant I was supposed to leave town to go back to my shitty Detroit apartment and crappy part time job tomorrow. I had planned to leave by nine in the morning but leaving was all I could think about. I didn't want to but I also knew that I couldn't afford to keep moms house by myself. Cash went back to where he was stationed early this morning so that left me by myself to pack up my things into my suitcase. I was listening to some Eminem through my speaker while I folded my clothes on my bed and set them neatly in my suit case. 

There was a sudden knock at the door. I turned the music down a bit and got up heading to the door. Brandon was standing there with an odd expression, almost sad. "Hey" I said with a small smile letting him inside. He shot a smile back at me stepping inside and looking around "this place hasn't changed a bit, you guys really got it clean" he admired looking at some picture frames that were still left on the wall from when my father was still in the picture.

"I knew you'd be packing up and I came to talk to you, Emerson" he turned around looking at me. "Yeah my job needs me back so i'm leaving tomorrow at nine" I said with a sigh. He nodded in response "I know this sounds crazy, but, stay." he bit his lip nervously. I looked at him a little confused, he knew I couldn't do that. I had to go back to work. "Listen, I already talked to Dunn and Raab about it. We love having you around and you're a great piece of my show on MTV you have fans you don't even know about." he grinned cheesily. "I can't afford this place..." I trailed off obviously upset. "I can pay your bills until you find a decent job and get your feet under you" he mentioned.

My jaw dropped. Nobody has ever wanted to do something so kind for me. I shook y head no instantly "I can't let you do that, thats too much." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "No I am being serious, I still live at home and have money I don't know what to do with and this is the perfect way to use it" he took a step forward grabbing both my hands holding them. "I want you here and so does everybody else,. please stay here in West Chester, with me" he said the last part quickly. His eyes were very pleading as if he thought once I left I wouldn't keep in contact which definitely wasn't true. Based on the past I could see why he would think that.

I glanced to the floor thinking about everything and how I didn't want to take his money but how he also really wanted me to stay and if he didn't care he wouldn't be practically begging me to stay and offering to pay for the house. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out then looked back at him "okay" was all I softly said. "Okay" he repeated as a big smile spread across his lips and he let go of my hands. "Yeah, I'll stay" I finally said out loud. 

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