When We Were Young

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I met Brandon when I was ten years old. He was at the skate park with his best friend at the time Brandon Novak. I remember watching him skate up and down and back and forth across the ramps. I was beyond amazed that he had such control at his young age. Then there was me, I didn't skate every day but I tried to go at least twice a week. I wasn't half bad considering I had learned how to ride when I was eight. My father had taught me to ride and this was my only way of connecting with him since I wasn't able to see him anymore.

I had went to a separate area of ramps kicking off and starting to ride. The warm summer West Chester breeze that instantly hit my face made a small smile tug at the corner of my lips. My long brown hair blew back in the breeze as I let the board take my body where it pleased. My brown eyes took a glance in the direction of where Brandon had been, he was no longer there. I felt a strange sense of dissapointment fill my head but I quickly shook it away. Letting myself ride the ramps and every once in awhile get some air really calmed down my thoughts. A familiar sense of warmth came as I closed my eyes for a moment remembering my father.

When I opened my eyes again I slowed down to a stop hopping off of the board and picking it up looking over to where I left my backpack to see both Brandons standing there. Surprised would be the best word for how I was feeling. they must have been standing there the entire time. Oh god, what if they are going to criticize the way I skate? What if they try to make me leave? The thoughts rushed through my head and took away my remaining breath as I approached my bag and grabbed a water bottle out.

"You are awesome" those three words rang through my head and let my breath come back to me as I took a sip of water. I looked up at Brandon Novak who was speaking. "Ah thanks, I try" I joked. My sense of humor was much older than it should have been at the time considering my life. Bam had been standing a bit behind Novak which made me a little concerned. did he not like me already?

Well, that was only the start. we would hang out until I was a sophomore in high school. The three of us were inseparable. Skating was our Friday after school activity and Saturday was our party and live it up day. Bam had gotten his nickname from Novak when they first met and it just kinda stuck between the three of us. Bam was two years older than me and Novak was only a year older than me. Everything was great besides the fact that I was the youngest at every party we went to. I quickly learned my place and usually stayed pretty quiet unless it was our friend group hanging out.

The end of sophomore year finally came and along with it came the terrible news from my mother. I was moving. Not only was I moving from my two best friends, but I was moving over eight hours away to Detroit Michigan. Things couldn't get any worse. I said my awkward goodbyes and watched out the back of my mothers suburban waving while the two stood in the middle of the street with their skate boards. It felt like a terrible ending to an already shitty movie.

If you would have told sophomore me that I would be where I am now, I would have never believed you. That day watching them in the road as I pulled away was for sure my last time seeing them, or so I thought...

authors note:
hello! If I get good feedback on this then I will continue. I've been wanting to write a Bam Margera fanfic for awhile now and just didn't know where to start. Hope you like it!

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