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When I finally woke up I was on a couch with my eyes uncovered. I sat up quickly then noticed where I was, the Margera house. I turned around confused seeing Bam, Dunn, Knoxville, Pontius, Steve O, Weeman and Preston behind the couch. I jumped a bit seeing them and they all bust put laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face!" Knoxville laughed and I huffed rolling my eyes. "That wasn't very funny considering I have nightmares about being kidnapped" I said angrily. Brandon held his hands up in defense "look, it wasn't my idea.We had to bring you here to tell you something" he glanced around at the other guys as they each had a small smile on their faces. He stopped when he go to Dunn. Ryan looked at me with a smirk "welcome to Jackass" he said softly. For a moment I was confused until I realized what he meant.

My mind raced with the thoughts. Were they really gonna let me in on the show? Would I be in the movie? People were gonna know my name. "You're serious?" I asked looking at them all. Bam nodded "I was kind of a dick lately because I had to fight MTV to get you on the show. They didn't want a female role because thats not what the intentions were in the beginning but I pretty much gave them no choice" I smiled hearing that he actually put up a fight for me. 

Of course Dunn had to glance at me with a small wink. He knew what Bam was up to this whole time. Then he decided to speak "now you will be able to quit the diner and make money with us, we couldn't stand watching you stress yourself out any longer" I immediately go tup hugging Ryan. He was like another brother to me and our bond was strong like mine and Novak had once been. I kept thanking them and I just couldn't get over how much they had already done for me. 

As the night went on everyone starts to talk about stunts I could be in and almost everything sounded very painful. I smiled thought listening to them and taking a step back in my mind realizing what I just gained. I had lost my brother to the military, my father to wherever he went and my mother to drugs, but, now I sit here with my new family who cares about me more than they care about themselves. I had never felt so wanted in my whole entire life. No amount of drugs or alcohol could give anyone that feeling.

Pieces of meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora