Charlee lets me go, whirling around to face Daryl. "You're an asshole, you know that." She struts up to him, coming face to face with him, glaring. "Your wife is terrified and you're standing there like you don't have a care in the world. Some husband you are. She deserves better." She spits, shaking her head, "yeah, you haven't changed from the stories her, and I have heard. Your true colors are showing."

I bow my head, resting it in my hands, not wanting to hear yet another fight. I don't have the energy nor mental capacity to handle this at the moment.

"Charlee." Rick warns, "now isn't the time."

"No, it is. I've sat back and had to watch my best friend break because she supported an order you gave. She did without argument because Carl personally asked both of you to show mercy. He's not seeing why that's so fucking important to her. Jack ass over here has tunnel vision because he didn't get his precious revenge. I've had to hold her while she cried or escaped to my home so she could fucking sleep peacefully. I'm tired of this bullshit! He's fucking lucky Kelly isn't here." She growls. Daryl winces at the mention of her twin. From the look in his eyes, he knows she's right, but when his mask falls back in place, I realize, that still won't change a damn thing.

Siddiq stalks back inside the room, taking a moment to read the room. Without missing a beat, he silences the tension, "everyone but Vanessa and Daryl need to leave. It's time."

I'm holding my daughter against my chest while Charlee bounces my son when Daryl walks through the door with Rick and Michonne on his heels

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I'm holding my daughter against my chest while Charlee bounces my son when Daryl walks through the door with Rick and Michonne on his heels. I smile in greeting. Daryl stalks to my side, with a glass of water and a small plate of food within his grasp. He pulls a table over, setting it at the side of the bed.

"When ya are feelin' up to it, ya need to eat." He places a kiss to my temple. My wide eyes find him, unsure how to react to the sudden affection.

"Thank you," I breathe out.

"Can I?" Rick questions. I nod, allowing him to pick her up. "What's her name?"

"Caroline Marlene." I watch as his mouth falls open, as it clicks in his head. I kept my promise to both Carl and my husband. He reaches up, wiping a stray tear as his gaze returns to my daughter.

"It's beautiful, like her. She looks just like you, Vanessa." Rick whispers.

"And the boy?" Michonne asks carefully. She steps next to Charlee, peering down at my son. I smile as I watch her rub his head, cooing at him.

"Kellin Abrams." Daryl grins at the beautiful darker female while he wraps his arms around my shoulder, attempting not to jostle me. My surprised gaze returns to him. It's become a rare occurrence where Daryl decides to show any type of affection.

Charlee smirks knowingly and lovingly at the boy in her arms, "you're a Dixon with Taylor blood named after my own crazy twin brother with a middle name from a giant redhead vet with a mouth on him. You're destined for crazy, but great things!"

I chuckle, "that he is. They both are." When Daryl and I were discussing names, he understood how important it was for me to honor some our family that has fallen. He expressed his concern, wondering if that would spell their own doom, since their namesakes have passed in one way or another along the way. I gently reminded him that these babies have Dixon and Taylor blood; they'll be fine!

Siddiq returns the room, grinning at me. "For the next six weeks, I'll need you and the babies to stay at Alexandria. Once the three of you are cleared, you're free to head back to the sanctuary."

I groan inwardly, I truly do not want to return to that nightmare. I'd prefer the twins to grow up in Alexandria. Not a run-down factory that carries our darkest memories. But Daryl requested that we follow him over, not wanting to be alone in his head. The saviors remaining all, but kiss his feet, thanking him for freeing them from the tyrant's rule. I know he preferred the attention he got at the prison over this. Though, I can't say I blame him. His only horrible memory of the jail was our fight and losing Merle. The Governor didn't get under his skin as he did mine.

I glance around the room, finding myself missing Georgia, the farm, and the prison. Things have been so complicated of late. Back then we were just trying to survive and only had to worry about a small group of us. Now there's four communities, not including the sanctuary.

I fiddle anxiously realizing if Phillip didn't run us out, Kelly and a lot of others would still be with us. I wouldn't be looking over my shoulder every time my feet kiss the ground outside of the gates of Alexandria or watch the door at the sanctuary with bated breath, waiting for Owen to strut right inside.

I never told anyone what Negan and I saw that night, nor have we discussed it. Out of sight, out of mind. I couldn't exactly actively seek Owen out while I was carrying the babies inside of me or while I'm monitoring Negan's healing process. In my own opinion, he's the bigger threat to myself and my children than Negan ever posed. A part of me knew we would win against Bundy. But I'm hoping I, alone, will win against Owen. I vow I will be the only one hunting him down. I won't bring anyone down with me.

I know he's coming; I just don't know when. I'm hoping to strike first before he does.

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