Boris Airay | s c a r e d o f f a l l i n g

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After leaving the Clock Tower, you decided to visit the Theme Park, since you had wanderlust and hadn't gotten around to it yet.

You walked in, seeing a few different types of roller coasters, some large and faster than others. Masses of people wandered the wide paths, children holding onto various coloured balloons.

Something caught your eye however, or someone was a better term. A male with plum pink coloured hair would have already caught your eye, but that wasn't all.

The so called man had a gigantic purple and pink striped boa around his neck and wore a short black top and a golden chain running from his neck to his belt.

There wasn't a way you couldn't notice him.

Oh yeah, he also had ears and a tail. Yes, you had been in Wonderland for a few days but you had never seen a person with animal body parts such as ears, tails and what not.

While you were trying to figure out what an eccentrically dressed guy was doing in a somewhat blandly dressed crowd, he spotted you; his eyes grew to double their eyes and a cheeky grin formed on his face.

The nameless ran over, dodging a few families by mere centimetres before stopping in front of you.

He smiled and exclaimed "You must be the new Outsider! I am Boris Airay, a Roleholder. Lets go on the roller coaster!".

Boris didn't hesitate to drag you over to the giant roller coaster which wouldn't be allowed to run by the outside world's standards. There was also no line which alarmed you so you asked "Why isn't there a line?".

Boris just grinned that famous Cheshire grin and giggled "Because we are going to be the first to ride it! We are also the first to test it!"

Is this even safe?

Who knows, this Boris guy is a stranger, I should probably try to leave now.

You try to leave but he just says "Do you not like speedy rides? Lets go on a Ferris Wheel then!"


That is what you dreaded. Heights were one of your only weaknesses.

He noticed and frowned "Are you scared?" but his smile returned "I will help you get over your fear!" And once again, dragged you over to the nearest Ferris Wheel and completely disregarded the line and hopped on the cart.

Remaining pretty calm on the inside, you were absolutely freaking out on the inside.

Boris started to get a little worried, he just wanted to have a chance to talk to the new Outsider he had heard so much about. That they were extremely nice to everyone and very beautiful.

Alas, his intention was lost and the only way he could talk to you was to calm you down. He moved over to your side of the cart and wrapped his arms around you.

This did nothing to stop your fear, it only drew your attention to him for a split second before you went back to freaking out.

Boris smiled cheekily and wrapped his furry boa around your face until he heard a giggle, in which he unraveled you to see you giggling like a little girl.

You said "You have actually never asked for my name, you know that right?". Boris then smiled with realization "Oh yeah!".

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself and shook his hand but he just hugged you instead.

What am I going to do with him?


Authors Note:

Sorry this took me so long, I hadn't seen HNKNA for a while and I didn't want to write it without having some idea.

Anyway, if you like Black Butler or Death Note, I have a fanfic uploaded for them.

And if for some miracle you have read Splintered, then I have a one shot for Morpheus. Very good book series but unpopular fandom :( I would recommend for fans of HNKNA

Anywho, I can't sit here writing Authors Notes during class on my friend's laptop forever or they will take the password and write something smutty (yes, he have threatened to do so XD )

See you guys later,

- Ashlee xx

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