Chapter 8

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Kate's pov

I woke up at 8:00 am so that leaves me with 2 hours to get ready for the producers. so I get up and and to take a warm shower letting the water run down my body thinking about how much my life has changed for the better.

after the shower I go to my walk-in closet to choose a outfit. and I decided to go with this since I'm not really a girly girl but it's still cute.

After I get changed I wait until it time to got and when It is I grab my car keys and head to studio

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After I get changed I wait until it time to got and when It is I grab my car keys and head to studio. when I get there I head inside and a man greets me "hello miss what can I do for you today" he says "I'm here to meet with some producers and hopefuly get signed" I say with a smile "Kate Olsen?" he questions.

(and yes Lizzie changed my last name when she sighed the custody papers and I am fine with it because at least I don't have to have Jason and Mary's last name anymore) and I nod "ah okay follow me" he says and I follow him to a studeio room where there is a man.

"Danny she's here" He says and Danny nods telling him to leave and he does "you must be Kate Olsen I'm Danny the producer well let's get started shall we" Danny says "we shall" I say "so how many songs have you made so far? he questions.

" 7 so far sir" I say living because I have actually 8 but that one is privete and I'm not ready to release I yet "well let's hear them" he says with a smile.

and I nod heading to the booth and start playing all 7 songs. 'bubble gum'   lights are on'   'boyfreind'  'happier than ever'  'before you go'  'Idfc'  'in the
stars'     (an:I don't own these songs. but btw these are my fav songs)

Once I am done I look up to see Danny smiling widely while clapping "you got some real talent kid and congratulations your getting signed and those are just enough songs for your first album if you want we could record all of them and have them published tomarrow by 12:00 am, so what do you say" he says smiling "that would be great thank you" I say also smiling .my dream is coming true.

And that is how the rest of the day went recording my songs for my first album. After all the hard and tiring work we finally finished at 9:00 pm at night and I am heading home now.

Once I get home I see Lizzie there waiting one the couch but when she sees me her face lights up and she walks over to me
"so how did it go?" she questions happily.

I look down at the floor acting sad and now she looks sad so I say "I got signed and my album is coming out tomarrow" and her face lights up again and she hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"I'm so proud of you baby" she says as we part from the hug "thanks mum" I say and we both freeze as we realize what I said.

"I-I..." I sttuder before I run past her up the stairs to my room closing the door and sliding down it 'shit shit shit why would I say that, what will she say, will she be happy, will she be mad? fuckkkk' I think to myself as tears go down my cheek at the thought of her being mad at me, I am broken from my train of thought when I hear a knock on my door.

Lizzie's Pov

"thanks mum" she says and we both freeze I am shocked and so happy I have been waiting for her to call me mom for so long I was going to say something.

but she beats me to and and says "I-I..." Before running upstairs to her room closing the door. I hurry and follow her to her room and knock on her door she opens it slowly with her head down but I can tell she was crying.

"aww baby don't cry please" I say as I pull her into a hug "I'm sorry" She whispers "you have nothing to be sorry for, you are my daughter and I am happy and horrned you see my as your mom after everything I've done and I would love for you to call me mom you have no idea how long I've waited to hear you call me that, I love you" I say with teary eyes as we pull from the hug with my hand still on her cheek.

"promise?" She says in a wisper "I promise" I say as I wipe the tear that fell out of her eye "I love you to mum" She says with a smile and I smile to "come on let's go have dinner before it's gets cold I made your favorite" I say and she nods and we head down stairs to eat dinner.

After inner we decided to call the marvel gang and tell them the good news and the congratulated her.

After that we decided to watch movies while eating popcorn snuggling up on the couch "thank you mum" She says tiredly "for what baby" I say confused to why she is saying thank you.

"for coming back to get me" She says "I should have never gave you up baby so I'm sorry and you don't have to say thank you" She nods

"come on let's go to sleep" I say she gives a short ok before we both head up to our room to go to sleep but before I sleep I wonder what her songs sound like but I am going to find out tomarrow so for now I close y eyes letting sleep take over.

OMG she called Lizzie mum for the first time

1008 words

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