Chapter 7

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Lizzie's Pov

1 week later

I has been a week since kates birthday and today the marvel cast are coming over in fact they should be here any minute Kate in in her room doing don't know what actually she has been avoiding me for a few days.

I get snapped out of my thought as the door has a knock on it I go to it and open it up to let my friends in that includes Scarlett, Chris E, Robert D jr, Chris H, Tom Holland , and Florence Pugh who Scarlett invited since she's new to marvel and they filmed Black widow together.

"Hello guys come in" I say as I hug them "nice place you have lizzie" Florence says "thank you" I say. We are now in the living room talking and I am thinking what kate is doing and if she wants to meet them.

Just then I hear her singing well not just me everybody hears it then I motion everybody to follow me I take them to her door so we can listen to her sing better.

'god stood my uppp and I don't know why'

'lights are on but nobody's home'

'there ain't no love like our love'

'there ain't no love like our love'

'like out love, love, love, love, love'

'let the last worms go, and roll in tonight'

'don't wake us up we got nothing for you'

'there ain't no love like our love'

'there ain't no love like our love'

'like our love, love ,love, love, love'

'build us a door and rest with me'

'lights are on, but nobody's home'

'there can't no love like our love'

'there ain't no love like our love'

(a/n: I do not own this song)

She finishes her song and everybody looks shocked by how amazing her voice is.

Florence Pov

"Whos that they have a wonderful voice?" Tom questions quietly while we are all looking at Lizzie for an answer "Thats my... daughter" She says and everybody in the room looks at her schocked except Scarlett and Chris E who probably already knew.

"well would you like to meet her and also her favourite actress is here" Lizzie says as everybody looks excited "well how about however it is they can meet her first" Chris E says.

"good idea well...Florence would you like to meet my daughter. Lizzie said and I am shocked that I am her favorite I for sure thought I was Scarlett.

"sure" I say and they all leave I quietly open her door seeing her on her piano I was about o walk up to her but something catuhe my attention I walk towards her desk quietly and see a drawling of... me? It look really good to.

I turn around and look at her she still hasn't noticed me I can't believe such a talented girl drew me

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I turn around and look at her she still hasn't noticed me I can't believe such a talented girl drew me. And not only she is talented but also inceridibly beautiful and hot. I snap out of it and decide to talk to her since she didn't;t notice me standing here.

"you sound really beautiful" I say and she jumps a little  "oh my god you scared me, don't do that I almost messed up I just finished making this song" She says before looking up and when she sees it's me her eyes widen.

Kates Pov

My eyes widen in shock "oh my god, you're Florence Pugh" I said and she laughs "shit that sounded really stupid. Oh my god I just completely embarrassed myself in front of you.

gosh I'm such in idiot" I say emberassed and she laughs even harder "it's ok it was actually really cute" She says and i blush she thinks I'm cute. gosh Kate snap out of it.

"Uh hi I'm Kate" I say and I stretch my hand out "I'm Florence but call me flo" She says taking my hand "we heard you singing from downstairs and lizzie said I can come in here" She tell me and I nod.

" we? and I didn't realize I was that loud" I say with little laugh " Yeah the marvel gang. Your drawling are really good" She says looking at my desk and then I realize the drawling I made of her is lying around on my desk.

"Uh y-yes thanks" I say eabarrassed. Could it get any worse first I sound like a fan girl and now she saw the drawlings. Well at least she doesn't know I have a crush on her.

and I'm actually lucky because she's turning 19 so shes not that much older, altho I don't think that scar would like me to date her friend/co-star and yes I have met scar and Chris E a few days ago and I get along with them really well.

But what do I care if flo would say she likes me I'd shoot my shot with out a doubt. "I didn't know Lizzie had a daughter" She says "let's just say she gave me up for adoption and 2.5 weeks ago she thought it would be nice to get me back so now I'm here" I say and she laughs a little .

Her laught is literally music to my ears I could listen o her laugh lol day long. God I'm a simp for Florence Pugh but can you blame me, she Florence Pugh what's not to sim for.

Florence's pov

I don't know why but I feel kinda nervous around her and I've never had that before. "So how old are you?" I ask her "I just turned sixteen a week ago" She says, interesting I'm only eighteen so it's not that much of an age gap.

Why the hell am I even thinking like that, she's Elizebeths daughter and lizzie wouldn't want me with her daughter, and I don't even like her like that so.

"That's nice. how are you adjusting to new York" I ask trying to move my thoughts from her to something else "well its beena little rocky me and Lizzie wasn't getting along at first.

but now it's ok but I have met scar and Chris E and w get along well they are so nice" she says and I nod. We spent some more time talking and getting to know her better.

I also had a lot of trouble focussing on everything was saying because I was more focussed on the way her lips moved and I couldn't help it.

I don't under stand why it's so hard to focas and why Im suddenly so interested in her. Once we were done we went downstairs and she met them and talked and kept advising Lizzie .

"So Kate we heard your voice and you are really talked so I was wondering if I could get some producers to get a look at you and see if you can become an artist" Robert says.

Kate looks at him suprised but agrees and he left to make a few call and can back a few minutes later and says "well Kate they will see you tomorrow morning at 10:00am sharp" He says and you can see the exitment in her eyes and thanks him. Sooner or later t gets late and we leave and Kate and Lizzie head to bed.

soooo Kate met florence

1227 words

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