Chapter 3

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Kate pov

I woke up to my alarm got up and did my morning routine shower,clean wounds, get dressed, brush teeth, and leave to school without waking Jason and Mary up. And we'll you guessed it school was shit.

As always the same thing always happens go there and get bullied by Trish and her minions and to top it all off I had tests in most of my classes.

It was now the end of school and I am on my way to meet Nova and this guest of hers. Once I and at Joes cafe I open the door and see nova with somebody but I can't see their face.

"Kate your here we'll sit I have somebody I want you to meet" Nova said. I sat down next to nova and looked at the person suprised to see Elizebeth Fucking Olsen there like wtf.

She is one of my favourite actress defentily top 5 because nobody can beat my optime favorite aka my celeb crush Florence Pugh (yes I am sooooo gay don't like it shut up) anyway I love her so mush don't call me weird but I even drew her.

I mean she is 18 so I could have a chance.( a/n let's just pretend she is 18 for the story) But who am I kidding she doesn't know I exist and who would ever fall for somebody like me.

But anyways I am still shocked to see Elizibeth Olsen here wait why is she here? "Kate I would like you to meet Elizabeth Olsen or aka you birth mum" .

Nova said well no shit I know who Elizebeth is wait. DID SHE SAY BIRTH MUM. "hello Kate it's nice to see you" Elizabeth said smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Hello Kate its nice to see you that's all you have to say me after you ABANDOND me and you think you can just come back into my life after 15 years" I said raising my voice a little when I said abandond with tears in my eyes.

I can't believe this after 15 fucking years she thinks she can come back into my life and to make it worse she is one of my idols who I looked up to.

"Kate I sorry I thought it would be best for you but I'm here now and I'm taking custody of you and takeing you home with me" Elizebeth said.WHAT. this cannot be happing.I mean if I go with her I would be free of Jason and Mary and won't go through hell everyday.

But if I go with her I will be going with the person who gave me up. who didn't want me in the first place and I would be leaving my life here not that I have one but still. "nova why wouldn't you tell me if I would be meeting my birth parent" I question ignoring Elizebeth.

"Kate I'm sorry I didn't tell you who you are seeing but if I did would you have came" Nova said I sat still saying nothing because to be honest I wouldn't have.

"See that is why I didn't tell you and you have to go with miss Olsen she already sighed the papers so you have no choice "Nova said I am sat there frozen thinking about all of this but I already have no choice and it it better than living with my abusive foster 'parents'.

I sigh "fine" I huff out as Elizbeth smiles widely "well Elizebeth when are leaving" I said annoyed "please call me Lizzie and we are leaving in a few hours actually so why don't we go to your house and pack you things so we can go" .

Lizzie said. WHAT a few hours well it's not like I have a choice so I'm just going to ignore her., I nod in response.

So now me and Lizzie are headed to my house nova had to go for a work thing so now it's just me and Lizzie in her car and let's just say that it was pretty awkward

she kept trying to talk to me but I just ignored her and started out the window so eventually stoped trying.

Once we're here she was about to get out the car but stoped her since Jason and Mary are here " Its fine I'll just go in and get my stuff and get out you stay here" I said she said a small sure as I got out the car headed inside.

Once I open the door and walk in I hurry to my room and start packing everything quietly so Jason and Mary don't know that I am here so once I am done it has been like 5 minutes because I don't have that much stuff just like 2 weeks worth of clothes, my drawling and lyrics, and my guitar.

when I walk out my door heading to the front door my body is suddenly slammed against the wall in a choke hold position by Jason while Mary watches with an angry expression on her face.

"And where do you think your going bitch" Jason spits "I'm leaving" I say struggling "No your not we need your foster money so your not going anywhere" Mary says just then his right fist connects with my face making me fall on the floor.

They usually don't hit me in the face because they don't want anybody becoming suspicious and take me away from them. Then he starts kicks me in the stomach and I groan holding it.

"Do you hear me you little shit your not going anywhere" Just as he was about to punch me again I dodge it and push his away making enough time to get up.

When I am up he tries again but I kick him in the balls and he falls to the ground now holding his Black balls from how hard I kicked them and Mary runs towards him to comfort him

And I take this a my escape so I grab all my stuff and rush out the door. Once I'm out I run to Lizzie's car and throw my stuff in the back and get in.

"Drive" I yell she listens and stars driving. She looks at me and sees a bruise next to my eye. "Kate what the hell happened to your eye" .

She says worried. I scoff and say "Can you stop with the worried mother act because your not my mother you had your change to be but you gave me up that was your choice" I snap at her.

Her face shows regret and sadness but then a look of seriousness washes over her face and I freeze when she says "Did they hurt you".

She looks at me in pitty "I don't need you pitty alright can we just go to the air port in silence please" I said in a whisper she looks like she debating it put nods and we drive to the airpiort in silence.


She knows, She knows and I know she knows

1170 words

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