23. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Beginne am Anfang

-End of Flashback-

Hunter busted out into a fit of laughter. "You want to prove my uncle is evil? And you thought I would help?" He started laughing again. "Well, now that we're in his mind. We can learn the truth." Luz crossed her arms. "Weird though. I've been in Willow's mind once and it had more, uh, trees." Luz added. "Eh." Hunter shrugged. "Makes sense. Mindscapes reflect the individual. I've read a lot about this subject." He explained. "Oh, what do you think my mindscape would look like?" I asked him. "Pretty and perfect." He kissed my forehead. He gasped and ran to a picture. "Look at this memory!" He invited.

We walked over to Hunter. "You know, unfettered wild magic wiped out our family. Everyone knew too much and got themselves hurt. That's why Belos took in the survivors and dedicated his life to making the Coven System!" He ran to another one. "It's why he's so well-liked! Our sigils protect us from ourselves and make the Titan happy. Oh! This is when I inherited my staff! You know I'm the youngest scout to become Golden Gaurd? I never found out what happened to the previous one." He continued to look around and I spotted a child crying.

"Oh hello, child." I bent down to their level. Luz walked toward me. "Belos?" They both said and I turned around while picking the child up. I looked at Hunter and a giant Belos was walking toward us. "Emperor, you're here!" Hunter bowed. "We beg for your assistance to return to the physical world so that I may capture your enemies! And so the human can ruin someone else's day." I looked down at the child and he was shaking his head.

"What?" I look back and the Belos shrieked. I made a circle and blasted the monster, creating a big explosion. Hunter and Luz, and I fell to the wall and it ripped. I held the child tightly as I made everyone float to the ground. I looked around and I immediately noticed a familiar face. I felt a cold breeze and I shivered as I put the kid down. "Are you cold?" Hunter took off his cape and set it on my shoulders. "Thank you." I smiled. "I think we're in the Emperor's real mind," Luz told us.

"What do you mean the Emperor's real mind? That gallery." Hunter got cut off. "Was made of all the lies he tells. He's not who you think he is." Luz shouted. I looked at the photo of Caleb playing with baby Belos. "We're probably here because we provoked his inner self," Hunter suggested. "Well, his inner self has a thousand glowing eyeballs." Luz spat. "Oh no! Eyeballs." Hunter scoffed. "You're so easy to scare." I heard him scream and I walked over.

"Mom?" I spoke onto the walkie-talkie. "Where did you and Luz go... Oh, wait. P/n and Flapjack want to speak to you." The speaker went quiet until I heard a lot of high-pitched chirps. More high than usual. "Flapjack!" Hunter stood next to me. "I promise Flapjack's okay. Mom loves him." I turned my focus to the walkie-talkie. "Mom... Me, Luz, and Hunter are kinda trapped in the Emperor's mind." I confessed. Mom gasped. "How in the world did you- no, we don't have time for that. Has the inner Belos spotted you yet?" Mom asked. "Yeah." Luz walked over to me. "We were able to get away... With help. Can there be two inner selves?" Luz asked.

"No. But I have heard of strong emotions materializing. All right, just stay safe. If you're devoured in his mindscape-" Mom trailed off. "We'll be trapped! Dragged down into his subconscious forever! I told you I read about this stuff." Hunter filled us in. "Well, we're gonna get you out. We'll make a return spell as fast as we can." King assured us. "Just don't lose the walkie-talkie. It's our only connection to you." Mom warned.

"Okay, P/n be good! Love you!" I warned and I turned to Hunter. "You want to say anything to Flapjack?" I asked him. He pulled me closer to him so he can speak. "I'll be home soon, Flapjack. Stay safe." Hunter advised. Flapjack chirped. He looked at me and back at the walkie-talkie. "I love you. Over and out." Hunter whispered. Everyone started to awe and he turned off the walkie-talkie. I handed it to Luz. I heard something and I got ready to fight. Kid Belos came out and I smiled. "Thank goodness you're safe." I picked up the kid again. I heard a roar and the kid gripped my shirt and started to sob again.

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