**Chapter 6

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For the rest of that day, Navia and Ronan sat in his office, talking about anything and everything. They deeply got to know each other and it helped them feel more reassured about their relationship.

Right before Navia left his office that night, Ronan asked her on an official date. She wasn't told anything other than to dress up for the early spring weather in Vegas.

When she got home Navia was bursting with energy, rifling through her closet looking for the perfect thing to wear. She honestly felt like she was in a movie. She had done all the work (well really Ronan did) and finally gotten the guy she wanted.

Now, it was up to both of them to make sure their relationship succeeded.


The next day, Navia was up early. She had a few tasks she wanted to get done before their date. Of course, Ronan had decided that whatever they were doing needed to be at the top of the afternoon.

Navia was quickly realizing that being in a relationship with him meant she'd have to give up her mid-day wakes-ups.

She got ready, doing an extensive routine; showering, skincare (which included exfoliating that she rarely does) she also washed her hair and let her natural curls shine through.

After, Navia went to her closet grabbing the outfit she had chosen the night before and slipping it on. It was a plaid, light blue cami dress with a pair of wicker platform sandals. She pinned her hair up with some bobby pins letting the rest of it create a "pineapple" on top of her head. With earrings, a few necklaces, and a purse that matched her sandals, the outfit was complete.

Navia headed downstairs where she was greeted by Charles. He lead her to the car and drove off. Navia had no idea where they were going, Ronan wanted it all to be a surprise. She just hoped it was nothing to do with the ocean because she was deeply terrified. Pools were fine, but the ocean was a big no.

Throughout the drive, Navia must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knows, Charles is shaking her awake. Slowly, she comes to and takes in her surroundings. They are in a huge field surrounded by flowers of all kinds, there is a small patch in the middle of it all that has nothing. She can somewhat make out Ronan's figure.

Without a second thought, she takes off her shoes and runs towards him with her arms out. From anyone else's point of view, it would look like the perfect scene in a Romance movie.

As he sees her running, Ronan takes long strides towards her. They meet in the middle where he catches her in his arms, spinning her around to not lose balance.

They both laugh at the situation it might have been cliche and a little cringy but they felt amazing at the moment. Navia and Ronan were at the peak of their "honeymoon stage".

Once he sets her down, Ronan pulls Navia into a long, passionate kiss. Just like all their others, it has a sweetness and the promise of great things to come.

"So, what are we doing today?" Navia asks once they pull away.

"Well, I thought we could sit back and relax today. I have a picnic set up behind us." He replies

Ronan grabs Navia's hand and leads her to a big, white blanket that is splayed on the floor. There is a big basket that is set with sandwiches, fruits, and a small tray of deserts.

The couple immediately starts to dig into their meal, eating in silence as they take in their surroundings. Eventually, Navia ends up in Ronan's lap as he feeds her chocolate-covered strawberries.

"I forgot to mention earlier, I really love your hair like this," Ronan compliments her. He had yet to see her hair like this, and it accentuated her beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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