Chapter 5

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^^Evelyn and Liam
It had been 2 weeks since the incident with Chloe and Navia was completely healed. For the first few days, she had a horrible headache and heavy feelings of fatigue. Over time those symptoms had subsided and she was back to her normal self.

Seeing Ronan had been very rare, if she happened to be walking around the house late at night she might catch him. Other than that it seemed he was doing everything in his power to avoid her.

It wasn't true, but Navia had come up that he was avoiding her because he didn't like her. But he felt the complete opposite. In two days Ronan had developed some of the strongest feelings he's ever had and that scared him.

He had been through a lot within the last six months and he knew he wasn't ready for any serious relationship. He also had a sense of guilt for having feelings for another woman so early.

Ronan also knew that he couldn't avoid Navia forever. The young woman was probably developing all sorts of bad ideas in her mind and he didn't want that. It was time they had a conversation.


Navia stood nervously outside of Ronan's office door at the hotel. He had called her in "to talk" and she figured she already knew what this was about.

He was going to fire her, and even though they had the contract stating she had three weeks to find another job, she didn't want to leave. In such a short time she had grown to love the other people she worked with and it became to feel like the only real home she had in years.

With a sigh, Navia gathers all her courage and opens the door. Ronan sits at his desk, in a casual suit and glasses perched on his nose. He seemed to be doing paperwork but looks up at the sound of her entering.

"Navia, it's good to see you," he begins with an uneasy smile. She just nods and takes a seat on the chair across from him.

For a moment they both look around the room not knowing what to say. "Alright, I'm just gonna get straight to the point," Ronan says.

"Whatever has been going on in your mind. Thoughts of me not liking you or not wanting you around, they're all untrue. My absence has nothing to do with you, I promise." He explains.

"Then what is it? I have been going crazy over the whole situation. First, you kiss me, and it's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Then I barely see you for two weeks. It hurt me." Navia says getting emotional. She hadn't realized how sad she was until she had to talk about it.

"And I'm so sorry for that, Love. It was never my intention," Ronan says and grabs onto her hands. "It's just- I have to talk to you about something for this all to make sense. It's been very hard on me."

Navia's hands tighten under his, "Whatever you need to talk about, I'm here for." She says. The reassuring look in her eyes gives Ronan the courage he needs.

"Okay, about two years ago I got married." Navia's eyes widen at the newfound information but she doesn't say anything. "My wife, Evelyn, and I had been together since college. We had both wanted to finish our education and do a bit of traveling before settling down. After about eight years I proposed to her. We both decided that we wanted to have children quickly since we had waited so long to settle down." Ronan pauses looking up to Navia for her reaction. She didn't seem to have jealousy or anger in her eyes, just a calm understanding look.

He realizes the next part of his story and a small smile forms on his face thinking of his little man. "It did take us a while, but around a year after our wedding, Evelyn was pregnant with our son Liam. It was the best time of my life. My wife was pregnant with our little boy, a boy who I could teach everything. My boy who I just knew was going to look exactly like me. The day Liam was born was the best day of my life, I could barely put him down. I was even willing to be the one to breastfeed him." They both chuckle at Ronan's confession.

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