Friendships & Fires

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Addison's POV

Most teachers here don't mind me, specifically being on my phone, because I'm usually the first student to finish any assignment. I'm that student who teachers' kind of get annoyed by because we never have anything to do like most students. Instead of listening to the teacher I take my phone out and bother Chloe. This new girl seems to peak Chloe's interest and I want to see how far I can go to fuck with her head. 

Me: She's HOT right ;)

C: No!

Me: I bet you wish your could control your hormones..LOL

Chloe: I can too!


ME: Maybe.... Don't u want to kiss her pretty pink lips and claim them

Chloe: My hormones are completely different from yours....NOT FAIR! :(

Me:  :)

ME: then travel down to her boobs and suck on them until they are sore.... have her kiss you in your sweet spot right on your neck where I know you like it

Once I sent the text I looked at Chloe to see how she would respond, her response was excellent. Her eyes bulged open looking at the text. She bit her lip while reading the text. I could tell she was getting turned on. I laughed at her obvious discomfort of sexual arousal. 


Me: it's ok I love you. Paybacks a bitch! 😂

I turned around and blew a kiss towards Chloe.

Chloe's POV

I've never felt like this before. The feeling of warm joy soaring through my stomach. She is just so breathtaking. After dozing off a few times I watched as she finally laid her head down on the desk. I was able to get a glimpse of her face before it would be hidden by her arms, she looked sad. The rest of the period Addison kept bothering me and teasing. She thought it was so funny, but little does she know I'll be getting my payback. 

Once the bell rang I packed my things and ran after Addison. Addison saw me coming for her and she quickly grabbed her backpack and rushed right through the door knocking over the teacher's paper. "Sorry miss!" She yells out the door. The teacher yells after her but she ignores it. 

"Addison get your ass back here now!" I command. She began to turn around slowly giving me a little smirk. She slowly starts to walk towards me.

"Hi there how you doing?" she asked giving me another smile and wrapping her arms around my waist. My facial expression changed, I felt annoyed.

"No, don't be nice to me now, you were fucking with me in there. You'll get yours" I said flicking her off. For the first time, I felt something. It was different. It was a good feeling, an unknown feeling I haven't felt in a while.

Addison noticed Kaylee walking. "Hey wait, Kaylee, slow down." Addison yell. I looked in her direction and see Kaylee freeze in her spot before turning around. Addison and I both walk up to Kaylee. 

"Hey don't be scared, I don't bite but I think she does." Addison said, laughing as she looked at me. I punched the side of her arm before walking away. "So funny asshole!" I slightly yell down the hallway.

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