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005. hera hates step-mothers

CAMERON ANDERSON likes to think that annabeth did have at least a very vague idea of where they were going. it wasn't exactly correct to think that, but cam was using blind optimism right now to convince himself he was entirely correct and definitely wasn't lying to himself.

the place they'd found themselves in was something like a sewer, constructed of red brick with iron-barred portholes every ten feet. the place was dark and it seemed like it wanted to keep itself that way because even when percy got curious as to what was down the porthole and shined a light, they all couldn't see anything. the place seemed to be made of infinite darkness; it just kept going and going.

"this place sucks," muttered cadie, her arm (from what cam could tell) still looped with percy's.

"at least it doesn't stink." offered percy for some sort of consolation, sounding a bit dazed.

grover mumbled in agreement, whilst tyson walked around silently with the only sound from him being the stomps of his feet against the ground.

annabeth had resorted to muttering like a maniac very quickly, which worried cam more than it should have.

he stood beside her, feeling a bit awkward and out of place in the grand scheme of the quest. sure, the group of them where friends (percy and grover literally shared thoughts- which was weird as fuck and cadie was hopelessly in love with percy which- ... ok that was a different problem enteritly) but that didn't mean cam knew them as well.

he'd missed a lot of those meetups percy had organised and walking squished between annabeth in front with cadie and percy looped behind felt like he was the only one who hadn't fully bonded with another over 'traumatising quest tingz'.

"did you just elbow me, cam?"

"huh?" cam furrowed his brow, "no, dude- i didn't. what's got you all jumpy, cadie?"

"this place gives me the creeps."

"it's fine," annabeth said- still hopelessly grasping onto her skewed idea of keeping to the left wall. "if we keep one hand on the left wall and follow it, we should be able to find our way out again by reversing course."

as soon as she said that, the wall disappeared.

"i don't think the labyrinth likes you being smart," percy piped up unhelpfully.

"shut up."

they found themselves in the middle of a circular chamber with eight tunnels leading out, and no idea how they'd gotten themselves there.

"maybe you shouldn't have said your plan out loud," grover gulped. "because- er... which way did we come in?"

"just turn around," annabeth replied.

they turned towards a different tunnel.

"left walls are mean," tyson simply complained. "which way now?"

"i knew this quest was going to be bullshit," grumbled cadie.

"hey! don't be a party-pooper, cades." percy teased, pointing at her glitter-bombed tank top with a golden sun, "where's that sunny attitude, songbird?"

"drowned. died. i don't know what to tell you, but i'm starting to not give a crap anymore." cadie sighed, "it's too early for this."

"we don't even know what time it is anymore," cam shrugged. "it could be midnight for all we know."

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