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001. pathetically in love

CADENCIA DIAZ had actually accepted the fact she had a crush (or was possibly in love?? emotions were confusing) on percy jackson. after the mark and the confusing rest of the school year before summer was here, she'd taken time to let those feelings mull over. she'd let herself think over and wonder what she should really be doing. she'd glared at the music software as she punched in random notes she thought would work together, occasionally letting herself move over to the piano she'd had at home in her room and record some random melody. she'd let the music order itself and form her final opinion in her mind.

cadencia diaz had come to the conclusion that yes she was in love with percy jackson. and she was in fact not going to tell him that. at all. they might be soulmates (or maybe they were. there was also a high possibility that she knew many percy's and that percy wasn't her soulmate. but that might be deflecting), but was she going to tell him that? no, are you crazy?!

cadie had worked hard to make sure she was comfortable in the 'i'm in love with my friend but it's okay i'm not going to tell him' circle, and she was not moving soon. that mansion in that big, wide, section was not hippity-hopping anywhere. she'd managed to coach herself into steadying her heartbeat when she thought about him, chasing away the vivid blush that would bloom on her cheeks. she was doing a good fucking job, okay?

and don't get her started on his insistent monthly meetups.

since the mark, and since her very brief explanation of it over a group iris message (where lilly and cam were present in one part of the mist at camp along with annabeth who was there too with percy back in manhattan and cadie back in her home), he had not wanted to waste any minute. a monthly visit up until when they would all see each other in the summer was due, and the group (which had sort of meshed together at this point) would join together and meet up.

cam wasn't there often as camp was sort of resigned to give him permission to leave. paranoia ran amok, so it was to be expected. lilly came most times, but there was this look in her eyes, like she was scared- but cadie wasn't sure how to bring it up without being an awkward turd or being a plain ol' bitch. annabeth came almost always (and cadie and annabeth would often carpool with each other since annabeth was spending a bit more time with her dad and step-mom) and they'd drive to new york or sometimes san francisco or wherever they really could.

and fuck, as annoying as that had been, cadie was glad. it gave her practice on how to act like she was a normal friend. ahah, totally don't think you're stupidly pretty when you laugh or do literally anything. el-oh-el, not me. it might be pathetic to say, but cadie thanked the practice.

she'd learned a lot of things in those meetups, actually. she'd learnt that annabeth and lilly actually liked a lot of the same things ("you like cats more than dogs?" "annabeth i'm as gay as they come, of course i do.") and she'd learnt that cam had recently redesigned his leg so he could kick people up... the painful bit (blame the way they found out on percy. he was the one who went all sneak attack, after all). and she learnt that percy really liked staring at people.

in her mind, she'd always thought that percy was a loud and extroverted person. and he was, but he was also really observant at times. he could pick up on things that cadie couldn't at times and he really went all analysis on his friends. randomly asking questions that varied from light-hearted things that spiralled into conversations to the most random in-depth questions.

[2] 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 ― p.jacksonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα