Chapter 6

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(Time skip to 1 year after kidnapping)

Sophie had come far in just six months. She had learned everything about melee combat with ease and went beyond adding on her moves. Sophie could beat anybody she sparred with because she couldn't feel pain. She had also honed in on her abilities, now being able to inflict any emotion and inflict memories with pain so that if anybody reads that certain memory, the pain will be inflicted on them no matter what. Sophie liked testing this with Gethen.

Sophie stopped talking and when she needed to, she just transmitted. Sophie always kept her hood up and wore a mask in order to hide her face and scars. She had goggles on as well so that no skin was showing at all. Ruy was the only person she would talk to and take off her goggles with to show her eyes. She had grown close to him since she had joined the Neverseen.

Sophie manifested a new ability as well, the ability to control earth. Lady Gisela called it terrakinesis, and Sophie hated it. It was hard to control and the fact that she had another ability don't make it any better. The earth called to her, begging her to use it and it would never stop. It didn't help that when she did test it out, she nearly caused an earthquake. When Sophie finally gave in to the call, the ground started to shake and tremble. It took Ruy shaking Sophie to snap her out of her trance.

Sophie spent most of her time training alone, pushing herself beyond her limits. She couldn't be beaten by anyone in the Neverseen. Nothing could stop her, barely anything could slow her down either. Her six months of excruciating torture turned her into a painless thing that was always in pain. Her weapon of choice was a  set of twin long daggers that she kept on her back, under her cloak. Sophie kept goblin throwing stars in every pocket on her. She trained to the point where she could hit a moving target between the eyes while blindfolded.

The Neverseen hadn't gave her a mission yet, only told her to train. Sophie was mad at the unfairness. She knew why they didn't trust her but how was she supposed to show them that they could trust her. It was always the same thing, until one day Gethen showed up to her training and said, "Girl, Lady Gisela wants to speak to you."

Sophie sighed as she went to the dummy to pull out her throwing stars. Usually, when Lady Gisela called for her, she order her to do a different type of training. When she finished, she put them away into her pockets and left the training arena. She walked down the hallway to Lady Gisela's office and knocked before entering. "Come in," Lady Gisela said.

(Sophie's transmission will be in italics)

You needed me?

"Yes, I have a mission for you. I want you to go to Eternalia and cause chaos, rile up the crowd a bit."

How would you want me to do this?

"Try your terrakinesis out again and if it doesn't work just figure something out."

Sophie nodded and turned to leave when Lady Gisela said, "Oh, if you see any of the Black Swan, make sure they never see your features and make sure they don't capture you."

Sophie nodded again and left her office heading to the training arena so that she could teleport. She found out that she could teleport with only a drop of a foot and a half. Sophie stepped onto a crate and stepped off of it.

When Sophie left the void, she was in the center of Eternalia on top of a tall building. She looked down onto the streets, full of elves going about their day. Sophie formed a small smile under her mask as she jumped of the building and levitated down. As she reached the ground, she took off her gloves and crouched down, placing both hands on the ground.

When she touched the ground, the call immediately overcame her and Sophie didn't resist it. She could feel the earth around her and what it went through. She felt how it was molded and built upon by the elves over the ages. Then Sophie channeled her power and emotions into the earth. She pushed her pain and anger into the ground causing it to tremble. The trembling slowly began to shake more and more until almost half of Eternalia was in compassed in Sophie's earthquake. Then the buildings started to topple and collapse. The tops of buildings started to fall off followed by the sides of buildings. As this was happening, elves rushed out of the buildings, yelling as they started to collapse. Before Sophie could make all the buildings fully collapse in on themselves, a throwing star hit her in her shoulder. She could barely feel it, but it was enough to knock her out of her trance.

Broken - KotlcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora