Chapter 1

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Sophie forced her eyes to open, but when she did, it was like nothing changed at all. It was still completely dark.

She started to feel the grogginess from the sedative and blinked it away. Sophie was in a room that had a faint light from a candle.

She tried to get up, but she found that she was restrained. She could not quite remember where she was or how she got there. She was in a room of some sort.

Every part of her body hurt or ached. Her head rang, her back ached, and she could feel a few bruises on her legs. As she touched one of them, the pain jolted her memory.

Sophie realized that she was in a Neverseen base, restrained to a chair. "Not again," she thought as she tried to transmit to someone. She tried to reach Mr. Forkle, Tiergan, and even Fitz but there was no response. Just as Sophie was going to try again, the door unlocked, and in walked Lady Gisela.

"Ahh, so she finally wakes up. I thought we used too strong of a sedative, but we had to make sure you wouldn't wake up," said Lady Gisela. "What do you want Gisela," Sophie retorted. " What makes you think I want anything?" Lady Gisela replied. "Well you have to want something or why else would you kidnap me again." Sophie spitted out.

Lady Gisela glared at her "Well I want many things but what I want from you is information."

Sophie glared back at her "Like hell I'm going to give you any!"

"I was hoping you would say, now we get to have some fun," Gisela teased as Fintan walked in.

"I figured we would start off with some nostalgia for you," Gisela said with a smirk as Fintan placed his hands on Sophie's neck. Sophie could feel them get hotter to the point where she started to scream. Then the smell of burning flesh hit her and Gisela started to laugh. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Gisela staring at her while laughing.



Oh no! Sophie's torture/interrogation begins. Sorry for a small first chapter but you've got to start somewhere. Be forewarned that I may write in small chapters. Anyways, please don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow. It really helps the story get out there.

Love all of you


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