Chapter 4

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"Sophie has been gone for three weeks... " Grady said to Edaline.

"Did we really hurt her that bad?" Edaline answered.

"We drove away...." Edaline couldn't bare to finish her sentence. She was on the verge of tears. 

"No, don't think that. You know how dangerous guilt is." Grady said.

"Then what Grady, was it the Neverseen? She has been gone for three weeks and the Black Swan hasn't found anything. We haven't found anything."

"I don't know Edaline. But we have to have faith that she is ok." Grady answered a little teary-eyed himself.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Grady and Edaline cleared their eyes and went to answer the door. When they opened the door, they found the Collective waiting for them with the rest of the gang in tow. Mr. Forkle asked, "May we come in, we have some important news."

"Of course come in," Grady said. They all filtered into the living room of Havenfield.

Mr. Forkle started, "Your all probably all wondering why I brought all of you here. I brought all of you here because one of Sophie's trackers just pinged."

Then the room exploded with what, where, when, how, why, and so on. Mr. Forkle made a loud whistle with his fingers. "If all of you would just be patient, I will get to your questions," Mr. Forkle shouted.

"The tracker pinged about 10 minutes ago at a random flower meadow. We don't know if it is a trap, but if you want to go, the decision on is yours."

"I say we go, even if it is a trap, a chance to find Sophie is a risk I'm willing to take." Grady responded first.

"I agree as well," Fitz said.

"Same here," Keefe agreed.

"Me too" Biana jumped in.

"Me three" Linh commented.

"Me four!" Marella chimed in.

Tam sighed, "I guess I'm in as well."

"All right than, that settles it. We will all be going," Mr. Forkle said.

"Shall we?" Mr. Forkle opened the front door.

Everyone left the house and headed outside. They all grabbed each other's hands as Mr. Forkle raised a leaping crystal.

When they arrived, it was as Mr. Forkle said it was. A random flower meadow that went on in every direction. "All right it looks like we have a lot of ground to cover so let's start looking but be careful, we still don't know if this is a trap." Tiergan in his Granite disguise shouted. Everyone nodded and started to spread out.

They went out in all directions looking at the ground and shouting "Sophie!" Eventually, after roughly twenty minutes passed, Squall shouted out "I found something!" Everybody rushed over to her to see what she found. Squall held up a broken tracker which was sewn into Sophie's clothes that looked like it was ripped out and a cracked registry pendant.

"I found these on top of some scorched grass. It looked a few weeks old." Squall pointed at the burnt grass.

Sandor went up to it to smell and feel it, "Yep, definitely a few weeks old, probably from when Sophie disappeared."

"So it was the Neverseen," Fitz started.

"No, we do not know that; for all we know, Sophie could have just burnt the trackers," Keefe said trying to defuse the situation.

"Keefe is right Fitz, we don't know what happened here," Biana agreed.

"Well then what, were back where we started."

"Not necessarily. We now know that Sophie either burned her trackers and ran away or that the Neverseen burned her trackers and took her." Tiergan said.

"After everything you said to her, I wouldn't blame her for running away," Keefe continued.

"Well then Keefe," Fitz said bitterly, "tell me, where would she go then?"

"Somewhere that we would not find her."

"Wow, never would of known that," Fitz's sarcasm practically dripped from his words.

"That's enough," Mr. Forkle said sternly.

"Your arguing won't help to find Sophie."

Both Fitz and Keefe shut their mouths as Linh asked, "Well what do we do now?"

"Start looking in the Forbidden Cities."

"And if we don't find her?" Linh continued.

"I..... don't know what we do then, but it we shouldn't think that way, we'll find."

At this, all of them leaped back to Havenfield and started to make plans to search the Forbidden Cities. Once several hours passed by, they all went home to contemplate and sleep. The thought that Sophie maybe didn't want to be found haunted their minds as they went to sleep that night.


Wow, sorry that it took me like two weeks to write that. This chapter was strangely hard to write for some reason, probably because of writer's block. If you've got any suggestions on what I should do or anything that would make the story better, feel free to tell me in the comments. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow.


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