Chapter 2

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"It's been two days, the Neverseen had to have done something to her!" Fitz shouted.

"Calm down Fitz, I am sure there is no reason to worry," said Alden trying to calm Fitz down.

Grady, Edaline, the Vackers, Tam, Linh, Wylie, Dex, the Collective, the Council, her bodyguards, and Marella were all gathered at Everglen to discuss the disappearance of Sophie.

"If that was true, we wouldn't be here right now!" Fitz responded with his explosive temper.

"Mr. Vacker, please calm down, your temper won't help to find Sophie," Mr. Forkle started.

Fitz opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and sat down like he was pouting.

"Ok, so what do we know," He continued.

"Pretty much nothing at all except that the last time she was seen was at
Havenfield on Tuesday,' Grady answered.

Fitz exploded again "You see, it had to be the Neverseen!"

It went in a circle of quieting down Fitz, then saying something about Sophie, Fitz starting to shout along with other people, Mr. Forkle quieting them down, and repeat.

Finally, Della asked, "If it wasn't the Neverseen then why would she leave?"

At this, Fitz, Edaline, and Grady flinched. Mr. Forkle barely kept himself from flinching as well.

"What did you do?" Della pressed, aiming it at Fitz more than the others.

"I may have ended our relationship in not the best way," Fitz managed to spit out.

"What. Did. You. Do. Fitz!" Della shouted.

"I may have called her a freak after an argument."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Alden shouted.


"You knew that her being called a freak has a big impact on her!" Alden shouted back.

"We'll talk about this later," Della said.

Everyone was death staring at Fitz as Della turned and asked "What did you do?" to Grady and Edaline.

"We got into an argument with her as well," Grady said.

Grady and Edaline explained what happened between them and Sophie.

As they explained, Mr. Forkle realized the mistake he made and longed to apologize. He realized that instead of casting her out, he should have helped her instead.

Once Grady and Edaline finished, Councillor Emery said "We will do what we can to find her, but what if she doesn't want to be found? What if she left on her own and it wasn't the Neverseen?"

With that, everybody started to slowly leave. First, it was the Council, then the Collective, the Song twins, Wylie, and Dex. Finally, it was just Edaline and Grady, who hugged Alden and Della goodbye, and went home.

As soon as they were gone, Della and Alden exploded onto Fitz for what he did with a 2 and half hour lecture.

Back at Havenfield, Edaline started to cry from guilt about the chance that she chased away her own daughter. Grady had to comfort her for her to stop crying.

"I'm sure she ok Edaline, she'll come back to us," Grady said, trying to comfort her.

"Yes, she'll come back," Edaline responded.

None of them knew what pain Sophie was going through because of them


Hey, sorry about the upload consistency and length. I'll work on it. Please vote, comment, and follow.


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