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Its been two years sense the townsfolk burnt the house. in that time i found a wife, Eunice Wreathford, and had a child we named Gertrude. In that period of time to now i haven't forgiven the townsfolk for burning my house down. But I'm human, how can i not want to not forgive them.
Some nights i wonder about that night, Alfonzo was Beelzen, right hand man of Satan. or Lindsey Alfo-Beelzen said she was a fiend from his domain, but yet she carried the heavenly sword of Titana. man i wish i had those answers, Eunice says i shouldn't worry so much, maybe shes right

I pursued my dream further from that traumatic expirence. Surprisingly it makes a wonderfully good fictionally book.

The seriously think i was finished? Ill show them once more, maybe with that new soul of theirs. or how about that new author, she would be a good meal.

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