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my guest coward together trying to wait out the haunting night. soon a soothing music started to play it sounded like a mother singing to her child. i looked around to find the source of the soft melody. i found the player at the top of the stairs, Mister E. i called out his name trying to get his attention, but all he did was smile a devious smile back at me. i heard a loud THNK! i look down at the fifteen people down in the parlor. my guest-fourteen for that fact- were surrounding a fallen body if i was right. as Mister E played more and more, more bodies fell to the floor. who was this man?

i felt my body feel weary i thought i felt death wrap its musky cloak around my light body. this was death i thought to myself, if it is my time i will accept it with open arms. suddenly it stopped and slowly i opened my eyes, standing before Mister E was my kid brother (literally) scaring the crap out of him.

"Vir sane pessimus Alfonzoe fuisti Edwards. ego autem veni ut adfligerem vos." Alexander rumbled. Mister E was nervous, i could tell, his body shook violently as he drew his flute.

"A te Perimam Hell! " Mister E roared and angrily blew into his flute. but instead of the soft melody he played before came a rough and sinister sound. Alexander bent over in pain, and released a blood curling scream.

soon a figure rose behind Mister E.

"Amant, non fortunam , auctorum diurnorum E!~" a rough girly voice sang. the figure came out of the shadows reveling a monstrous looking Lindsey.

"Ah, Miss Queens i see you have escaped you fiend," Mister E spat out at the wild looking girl, i must admit she looked ready to kill someone that very moment. She laughed.

"ha! a soul reaper like you should rot with the lowliest of the low ,i am digested by your act, Fighter." She sneered at the older man.

What was all this talk of fiends and soul reapers? it made little sense to my very educated mind, that there show me how little we all knew.

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