Orobas the Demon

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Female Reader x Male Monster

"You summoned him through ice cream?" You look at your brother with disbelief as he sips his tea.

"It was just a mistake," he says.

"But why did you summon him at all?" You scoff. "You know dealing with demons is bad shit, Sean."

She shrugs, seeming terribly smug about himself. You roll your eyes and huff. "Well, where is he now?"

Sean sets his cup down. "He didn't want to come in here," he says. "He said it smelled awful."

You scowl, and Sean flinches. "I mean, for a demon! It smells like peaches to me."

"That's because of the pie!" You snap, jutting your finger at the oven. You huff and glance out the window. Both you and your bother had been studying magic since you were small. You had been warned on the dangers of summoning, so it was a shock your brother summoned a powerful demon merely to get laid!

"His names Berith," Sean murmurs and you turn your attention back to him. "He's nice to me," he says. "I really like him."

You sigh. "Oh my god. You're in love with him."

Sean looks up with red cheeks and starry eyes along with a guilty expression.

You grumble under your breath and rub your temple. "I can't believe this. You summoned a fucking booty call, and now you're in love?"

"Well," he shifts in his chair.

"He's going to have to get over the smell," you growl. "I want to meet him. Not today!" You snap. "Because I might try to kill him. But when I cool down, I want to meet this Berith."

Sean jumps up and hugs you. "Thank you, I promise you'll like him."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." You give him a tight squeeze. "If he ever does anything I'll fuck him up."

After Sean leaves, you start cleaning up your kitchen. You had never considered summoning an option. But your brother had done it and for a booty call too. You smirk to yourself, wondering if you'd ever be that desperate.

You go to your bathroom to wash up. As you stand in the mirror, you look at yourself. Your glasses start to fog up in the steam, so you take them off. In an instant between removing them and setting them down, you think you see something in the mirror. You turn around, looking into the shower. All you see extra is steam, perhaps it was a trick of the eye.

You step under the water, washing your hair and scrubbing your face. As you face is covered with soap you hear something whispering in your ear. You turn quickly, snapping your eyes open.

"Oh fuck!" You scream as soap gets in your eyes.

You hurriedly wash them out.

"Smooth move," a low growl rumbles in the bathroom.

You frown. "Who the fuck is there?" You spit.

He chuckles darkly. "Your brother has my friend. Since I can't convince Berith to come back, I thought I'd ask you."

You cuss heavily under your breath. You fumble for a towel and grab it, realizing someone has handed it to you. You grab your glasses and look up at the creature hanging down from your ceiling. His body is pure white and looks creamy and soft to the touch. His legs are bent and twisted, looking like an animal's. His feet are large hooves with thick, fluffy fur covering them. His arms are extra long, and the palms have strange red slits on them. His neck is long, swan-like indeed. And his head looks horse shaped mix with a touch of a fox. His eyes are bright pink and on his head is a single black horn that looks like a raw crystal.

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