Vepar & Allocer the Demons

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Female Reader x Male Monsters (poly)

I was ripped away, torn from one reality and placed into the next. Standing in the summoning circle I feel a bit shaky at first, but as I smell blood I stand erect and tower over the small figure that has dared to summon me. As I stretch and get used to this world, electricity running along my fingertips and coursing through my wings, I crack my neck and meet your eyes. Your stare up at me, wide-eyed and innocent. Your lips part and awe and you stand up, taking a cautious step back.

"Oh wow," you whisper.

I glare down at you, wondering how this willowy little flake of a witch could have ever summoned me. I try to take a step out of the circle to reach you but I am filled with a painful freezing burn and let out a roar.

"Careful," you gasp. "I planned for my protection."

I snarl at you, my lip curling over my serrated teeth. "Smarter than you look."

You frown down at me and take a few steps closer. You step into the circle and when I see my chance I can't take it. I'm frozen in place. As you slip a collar around my throat I want nothing more than to rip yours out but I am unable to move. You place a lock in the clasp and then step back.

"There," you sigh and you rub out the circle enough for me to be able to move. You then smile up at me. "Welcome!"

I snarl at you, my desire to see your blood never fading but my ability to do anything about it is hindered. I step towards you and you put your hand on me, your small hand stroking up my arm. My skin is pale white, and my arms are twice as thick as even your torso. I could easily rip you to shreds but because of your magic, I cannot touch you unless you command it. You touch me, and freely at that. Your small hands wander up my chest and coil around my throat before combing through my hair.

"You're a beautiful one," you murmur in awe. Which is true. "Strong and terrifying," you bite your lip and I can smell your desire. You then break away from me and smile sweetly, almost too innocent for my tastes. "I'm so surprised! I've never summoned anything like you before." I feel pulled by a leash as you walk away. I'm tugged behind you as you walk into a room filled with books and shelves full of strange bottles.

"Why am I here?" I snarl at you.

You look up at me as you start cleaning a counter. You smile again. "I just...well...I just really wanted to see if I could."

I scowl at you. "What the absolute fuck?"

You chuckle. "I know, I know. It's a silly reason. My cousin, he summoned a demon but accidentally made him ice cream once," you sigh softly. "But he summoned him again with better success. I wanted to do it too. I wanted a companion."

"You wanted a demon as a companion? Don't you understand who you have summoned? I am not some pet. I am a General! A warlord! After Eligos went soft I had to take his place," I growl heatedly at you. "You want me to be your pet? Your slave?"

"Pets are fun," you say and I know more than ever you are feigning your innocence. "But you will be my friend, not a slave or just a pet."

I frown, your wording doing nothing to soothe my anger. I tug at the collar around my throat. "Then what is this for?"

"My safety," you smirk. "Until I have you properly trained."

"Trained?" I roar., my wings stretching out as I slam my palms hard onto the counter, cracking the marble top.

You frown, glaring at the crack then at me. I feel a painful shock course through my body, the burn of frost turning my bones to brittle glass. "Fix it," you whisper to me and I feel all my power sucked from me.

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