The White Swan

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Male Reader x Female Monster

When I was little, they called me shy. As I grew up, I realized I was more of an introvert and dealing with anxiety more than I was shy. Although, people still like to describe me that way when they introduce me.

"He's a shy guy," they'll say. And every time, it makes me cringe a little.

I know they mean no harm by it, but still, it makes me feel weird to be known as the 'shy guy.' I suppose that's why I prefer working with animals than anything. I took a job as a rehabilitator at a nature preserve. My office is far from the city, smack dab in the center of the woods. Here, I take care of injured wild animals, abandoned babies, and several stray cats.

Right now, it's pretty slow. I've had a few fawns come through that I've nursed and released. There was the raccoon who tried to hide amongst the stray cats, he was fun. Then, for a while, I had about three sheep who had been wandering the woods for so long their coats jutted out at least two feet. I sheared them and kept them until a willing farmer came to pick them up.

As I said, it's been pretty slow around here this month. The others who work here come and go on a schedule, but I live in the apartment above the office. That way, someone is here twenty-four-seven in case of emergencies. I've dealt with wounded hunters, lost kids, and many other things during my time here. The animals are by far my favorite.

I wake up every morning at five, I'll go downstairs and feed the cats that have gathered around the front door. I'll have my coffee while I listen to them munching and crunching and growling. It's been fun as of late, especially when the raccoon joins them.

After that, I take a walk around the property, going to the lake and checking on the condition of all the security cameras. The lake is one of my favorite spots. There, it is always so quiet and peaceful. In the mornings, a low fog hangs over it, and it feels like the world has stopped and everything is at peace.

This morning, as I'm taking in the serenity of it, I hear a low cry. I look around, not seeing anything. I then hear a splash in the lake and, looking out through the fog, I see a white shape in the water. It thrashes and struggles in the water, slowly swimming towards me. It's a swan. I stare in amazement as I've never seen one this close before, let alone here.

The swan makes another low cry, and I see blood on its pure white feathers. The poor thing is starting to sink in the water, so I rush out towards it. The swan lays its head on my shoulder, and I pick it up out of the water, carrying it to dry land. Its wing is bleeding, and the poor thing is breathing slowly.

I carry it back to the office, setting them down on the operation table. I quickly collect the necessary equipment to stitch them up and, when I return to the operating table, I am nearly knocked unconscious.

Laying where the swan should be, is a woman. She's lithe and beautiful, her legs are long and elegant. Her skin is extremely pale, and I can see the blue veins under it. Her hair is short, white, and fluffy. Her neck and shoulder are smeared with blood, and I can see the same wound that afflicted the swan.

She whimpers and sniffles, small tears falling from her long, pale lashes. I move quickly, returning to her and cleaning the wound. I'm not used to human patients, but I've stitched up a hunter or two in my day. I get the woman patched up, and I cover her with an emergency blanket. I then sit back, looking at her laying on the table.

She was a swan! I know she was. How is this possible? I can't stop thinking and questioning.

Her lashes then flutter, and her eyes open. Her eyes are completely black and surrounded by thick, pale lashes. She sits up slowly, the emergency blanket falls away from her body. She touches her shoulder, and a pout crosses her lips. She then turns and looks up at me.

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