Shamhurish the Djinn

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Female Reader x Male Monster

You've been hired by someone who says they are a relative of yours. You're not sure how you're related to them, but several members of your family claim the same thing. He had paid your college tuition and helped you get into your dream college, just as long as you worked for him after you graduated. You took the offer, not to sure how many job offers you would get in your field anyways.

This relative of yours kept you fairly busy. You traveled all over the work going to various digs and archeology conferences. You also went to strange auctions you were very certain weren't entirely legal. You purchased many artifacts that you were also certain were very illegally obtained. Often, you were placed on digs where your place on the team was bought. Needless to say, you weren't to well liked. In fact, you had become rather infamous in certain archeologist circles.

You would consider asking your relative if you could quit and become a little more legitimate, but the pay was far too amazing and you were honestly having way too much fun. You've seen things you would never dream of and you had come across some amazing relics of history.

You were used to being sent across the world at the drop of a hat. You felt like keeping a house at this point was useless. Instead, you let your cousin stay in it. Apparently, and you hadn't witnessed it yet, he said one of the mummies you had brought back to the shop was alive. Your phone cut out after he said that so you weren't able to double check what he said. You had been sent by your relative to an auction house where stolen relics from around the world were being sold. You relative had a penchant for buying up an entire auction and then returning the items to where they belong. It was a noble feat, he just made a lot of enemies doing it. That's probably why he used you to do it.

This auction was a nightmare. You were instructed to win every item, no matter the cost but people were ruthless and twice as desperate as your relative. You knew you were in trouble. No one was happy with you at all. Everyone was staring daggers at you. You miss the anonymous auctions in Berlin, even if you were sweating your ass off in a hot box.

After you collect your winnings you start right away to package them up for shipping. You keep yourself locked in the cottage you've rented. Hopefully, none of your angry bidders are looking for you. You're boxing up things and you find something that had not been part of the auction lot. It looks like a small copper pot with a ceramic lid on top. On the lid, there was ancient writing on the top you couldn't figure out. You rub the top, smoothing away some grime and sand. Suddenly, the copper grows hot and starts to glow. It burns your palms and you drop it. The ceramic lid cracks when it hits the floor and thick black smoke begins spilling from the pot. It fills the room, swirling black to white, then blue and green.

"Oh fuck, not again," you shake your head.

"Excuse me?" A dark voice beckons from the smoke.

You wave your hand before your face. "Cut the theatrics," you huff. "I get it. You don't need to try and impress me."

The smoke swirls and collects into a swirling ball. A large figure holds the ball in his large hand and he sighs. "Too bad, it's been a long time since I was able to stretch my legs." She slaps the ball between his hands and it goes with a pop and a puff.

You look him over, his skin a deep navy blue and covered in shimmering silver markings. He has four arms and each hand has seven fingers. He has sharp features, his cheekbones jutting out like knives, his ears pointed at the tips. He has a long, thick ponytail that coils around his neck and down his chest then onto the floor. His eyes are bright white glowing orbs, flickering flames coming from them.

"A djinn?" You ask. "Correct?"

He scowls at you.

"Djinn," you sigh. "Jinn, genie, blah blah blah." You shake your head. "Can you go back into your little pot now?" You ask. "I have work to do and not much time to do it in."

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