The Pooka

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Female Reader x Male Monster

You lay the treats out, hoping this does the trick to lure him out. You've been playing this game with him for weeks now. He'd appeared a few times before you, mostly at night. The first time you had come home late from an extremely bad date. You sniffling and huffing, pissed off and upset. You drop your keys and as you stoop to pick them up you feel something soft and warm. You're shoved to the ground and you feel something warm and wet on your face. The next thing you know you're alone and your keys are in your hands. Only come morning you find that a few keys are missing.

The next time you crossed his path you were taking a walk. You stumbled across a clearing as the sun was setting and you saw him coming out of a hole under the roots of a tree. He stops and your eyes meet for a long while. He's massive and dark, covered in pitch fur. His eyes glow as the sunsets. He licks his chops before he slinks away into the trees.

It's been flashes and double takes since then. You're not sure what will work to lure him out. You've done your research though. You try to figure out whssibly been stalking the woods near your home. You learn he's a Pooka and from there you're able to put together the tools to lure him out.

You've placed several new windchimes around your home. You've made sure they're super shiny and glimmer. Every night you've also set him out treats. Things like berries and milk and even sometimes whole jars of jam. You either wake up to these things gone or covered in ants. You also notice that bits and pieces from the windchimes are disappearing as well.

Finally, one night, as you sit up reading, you hear a scratching at your door. You go to have a look and you feel something soft slip between your legs. You turn, watching as the creature sneaks into your house. He stays low, sniffing things. He stretches up and sniffs more, he licks a vase and makes a face.

He turns and looks at you, his eyes wide then he grins. He shows off the sharp teeth behind his lips. He licks his chops as he lowers down again, inching towards you.

"Few people will invite my kind into their homes," he snarls. His voice is dark and oddly sultry.

"Well," you try to find an excuse.The only one you really have is that you were curious. He intrigued you from the moment you saw him. "I just uhm-"

He slinks up to you, sniffing your neck. He licks the chain around your neck, nipping at it as he tries to pull it off.

You moan and he laughs. He pulls back, the chain dangling off his long tongue.

"Hey!" You try and snatch it back but he lifts his head back.

He spits it into his hand and holds it up out of your reach. "You wanted me here, did you not?"

You huff. "I'll give you more jam if you give it back."

His eyes widen again. He tilts his head and watches you."Show me first."

You lead him to the kitchen, opening a cabinet and pulling a new, unopened jar from inside. His ears twitch and he sniffs the jar. "Ew no," he shoves the jar back.

"What?" You look at it then back at him. "Why?"

"I hate apricot," his lip curls. He reaches up into your cabinet and scrambles through it until he pulls out a jar. "This."

"Blackberry?" You watch as he plops down and tears through the plastic on the lid. He opens the jar and pushes his tongue inside. He slurps and moans as he eats.

You smile as you watch him. He looks like a kid who has found the candy stash. His face is covered in sticky sweet jam when he pulls up from the jar. His tongue licks it away. He spends nearly an hour eating and licking the jar clean.

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