11. Debt is Paid

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'no ones going to believe you are a hog farmer if you eat them all.' Arya told sandor as he munched on hog feet.

'best part of the animal.' He told her, Arya was looking out at the twins in the distance. 'don't worry they are still there' sandor told her.

'I know they are still there.' arya snapped.

'you check every five minutes. Like you are afraid they are gonna move.' Sandor grumbled.

'I'm not afraid.' Arya told him confidently.

'of course you are. they are there and you are afraid we wont make it. The closer we get. The closer the fear gets. No use hiding behind that face. I know fear when I see it.' Sandor told her leaning in. 'seen it a lot.'

'I knew fear when I saw it in you. You're afraid of fire...' Arya told him. 'when berics sword went up in flames you looked like a scared little girl.' They stared at each other for a moment, Sandors eyes fixed on arya, his jaw tense his eyes filled with hate. 'and I know why too.' Arya said slowly moving closer.

'That so?' Sandor grumbled, getting this girl to family was harder and more agitating then he expected. But they were almost at the twins and he could be rid of Arya.

'I heard what your brother did to you. Pressed your face to the fire like you are a nice juicy mutton chop...'

"that give you some ideas?'

'might do.' Arya said with a smirk.

'Go ahead then. You might get away. you might even make it there on your own.' Sandor told her as he picked up another hogs foot. 'just over the river, closest you've been to family since Llyn payne snapped your daddys neck...'

''some day I'm gonna put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull' she told him and marched away to look at the twins once again.

Music played and people were laughing happily. Singing dancing music, the hall seemed filled with life. Then the music slowed to a ballad. Robbs direwolf trapped in a cage started to fuss outside while the food was served.

'where you going?' a frey guard asked stopping Sandor, arya hid in the back of the stolen truck.

'I got salt pork for the feast.' Sandor told him.

'the feast is over.'

'it doesn't sound like its over' sandor questioned, laughter and voices echoed throughout the twins.

'if I tell you its over, its over.' The guard said, 'turn this cart around and get the hell out of here.'

'I got pigs feet too.' Sandor offered.

'are you soft in the head? Turn this cart around.' the guard demanded. But they were not about to leave empty handed.

The feast had already started, Robb looked around glad to have this union under way.

'Your grace,' Walder Frey said and Robb approached 'I feel I have been remiss in my duties I have given you meats and wine music but I have not shown you the hospitality you deserve... My king is married and I owe my new queen a wedding gift...'

"Thank you my lord' Robb told him kindly but his heart rate picked up as he heard his mother scream. Catelyn jumped up screaming her son's name Robb turned around to see his Bannerman sliced down Catelyn and Robb spun around nervously anxiously fear coursing through them. They were betrayed. Talisa was stabbed in the stomach, Robb dropped before her. Walder Frey watched pleasantly drinking his wine the act had been done. The starks and their banner men were not prepared, they were vulnerable.

'The feast is over is it?' The guards asked happily chatting around the fire outside

'Yes it's over.' they sliced the stark Bannermans throats killing them quickly before they knew what happened. Robbs wolf was next shooting crossbows in on him killing him.

Catelyn panting for breath as she crawled ahead Robb reached out as the Stark men fell, his eyes frantically searching the room. They were surrounded.

'The king in the north arises.' Walder Frey said smirking at Robb. Catelyn jumped up grabbing walder's wife.

'Lord Walder Lord Walder enough let it end please he is my son!' Catelyn said bringing a blade to one of walder freys most recent wives throats 'He is my first son let him go and I swear I will not forget this. I swear by the old gods and the new we will take no vengeance-'

'You already swore me one oath right here in my castle you swore by the old gods and the new that your son would marry my daughter.' he spat

'Take me as your hostage but let Robb go.' she pleaded for her son. 'Robb get out to get up and walk out please.' she begged him but he stayed.

'And why would I let him do that?' walder questioned.

'On my honor as a tully on my honor as a stark let him go.' she threatened, 'or I will cut your wife throat.' she dug deeper into the woman's neck as Robb stood tall.

'I will find another.' Walder said calmly

'Mother' Robb said his uncle came up to him

'The Lannisters send their regards.' Edmure said stabbing his nephew, Robb dropped to the ground Catelyn screamed out slicing the girls neck letting her body dropped the ground she waited for death... One of Walders men came up behind her slicing her neck down to the bone.

'For fucks sake.' Sandor muttered following after Arya. Stark men falling to the ground, frey men laughing... Robbs wolf... shot, shot dead. As arya ran forward wanting to help, wanting to kill.

'its too late.' Sandor said throwing arya over his shoulder. More of the frey men came charging out laughing and cheering.

'HERE COMES THE KING OF THE NORTH, THE KING OF THE NORTH, THE KING OF THE NORTH!' the frey men cheered riding Robb in but his head wasn't his head. It was his wolf. They had sewn Robbs wolf onto his own shoulders. Arya looked at the scene speechless.

'come on, lets go.' Sandor pushed on. This wasn't a safe place for Starks anymore, if ever. A massacre at a wedding. Robb and Catelyn stark were dead. They walked listening to the sounds of the crowds roaring with laughter at the starks demise.

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